Scholarship Search


This website lists all of the scholarships available to Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) students. Anyone can browse our list of scholarship opportunities available at MTSU, but only students who have been tentatively or fully admitted for admission to MTSU are able to apply for them.

To get the most out of this scholarship search, we suggest using the Keyword Search feature to find scholarships that are applicable towards yourself. For example, you are an Incoming Freshman, type FRESHMAN in the keyword search box to see what scholarships are available to Incoming Freshman Students. Or for example, you are an Accounting major, type ACCOUNTING in the keyword search box to see what scholarships are available to Accounting majors. The search functions below will allow you to learn more about the many scholarships that may be available to you.

In this system, you can NOT apply individually to scholarships. You apply to scholarships by completing the scholarship application(s) that are shown to you. First, you need to complete the General Scholarship Application. Once the General Scholarship Application is submitted, you will be shown other scholarship applications that are applicable to you. To be considered for ALL scholarships, you need to complete ALL of the scholarship applications that are shown to you. Based your responses to the various scholarship applications & your educational data in our system, you will be automatically matched up to scholarships that you meet the basic criteria for.

If you are ready to start the scholarship application(s), go back to the Home page & click on the Student link. You will use your Pipeline username & password to log into the system.

Eligibility for scholarships with a criteria of "Financial Need" is determined based off the student's SAI from the most recent FAFSA on file. You must have a current year FAFSA on file with MTSU in order to be considered for any scholarships with a financial need requirement. At MTSU, when determining whether a student has Financial Need or not for scholarships, we require an SAI of less than or equal to 9,000.

Scholarships (558)

93554 Dr. Jack D. Arters Scholarship Fund

The scholarship shall be administered in accordance with the following guidelines:

-Preference will be given to students preparing for careers in a field of medicine, pharmacy; or other areas of medicine as deemed appropriate by the University.  
-Absent eligible students in the aforementioned pre-professional disciplines, the award may be made available to students preparing to teach in the biological and physical sciences.   

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application AND the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.

Aaron & Clara Todd Pre-Dental Scholarship (93171)

-Applicant(s) must be a pre-dental student who has completed 60 hours of coursework (can be MTSU or elsewhere).

Selection will be based upon the following:
-an overall minimum GPA of 3.0 and performance in core classes.
-participation in extracurricular activities, including Delta Delta Sigma.
-demonstration of qualities integral to the pursuit of a dental career.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Adams Family Foundation Nursing Scholar Endowment (93880)

To be eligible for this scholarship: 

-Applicants must have successfully completed the pre-Nursing curriculum.
-Must be enrolled in the Upper-division Nursing program.
-Recipients must remain in good standing.
-Must have a grade point average of 3.0/4.0 scale or greater.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the School of Nursing Application. 

Adams Family Foundation Scholarship in Business (93969)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

Recipients must be full time students at MTSU.
-Must be majoring in a Jones College of Business program.
-Recipients must have earned at least 60 hours at the time of the award.
-Must remain in good standing with the University.
-Must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale.
-Financial need, in the broadest sense, should be considered.
-First preference shall go to students from Rutherford and/or Cannon Counties in Tennessee. Should an eligible student not be identified from Rutherford or Cannon County, then students from counties contiguous to Rutherford and Cannon Counties shall receive preference. Each scholarship is for one academic year. 

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Adams Family Foundation Scholarship in Human Sciences (93916)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients must be Human Sciences majors.
-Must have achieved junior standing, as defined by the University, at the time of the award.
-Must remain in good standing with the University.
-Maintain a grade point average of 3.0/4.0 scale or greater.
-Financial need in a general sense should be considered in the selection process.
-First preference shall go to students from Rutherford and/or Cannon Counties in Tennessee. Should an eligible recipient not be identified, students from the counties contiguous to Rutherford and Cannon shall receive preference.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Aerospace Graduate Scholarship (93537)

-Recipient must be a graduate student with a 4.0 GPA majoring in Aerospace.
-Preference will be given to a former airline pilot with a major carrier who is interested in aviation and teaching.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

AFCM (AW) John P. Kelly Fund for Aviation Maintenance (91572)

Applicants shall be enrolled as a full-time student (12 hours or more), accepted or enrolled in the MTSU Aerospace department in the maintenance program. Recipients shall have a 2.5 grade point average or greater based upon a 4.0 scale and preferably have completed 60 hours. Preference will be given to students with financial need, as determined by the University.

The recipients shall be selected by the Aerospace Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application.

Aim for Archer - Brandon Archer Memorial Scholarship (91532)

Scholarship applicants must:

1) Be a LSTS (Leisure, Sport, and Tourism Studies)/THM (Tourism and Hospitality Management) major.
2) have successfully completed LSTS 3530 Program Planning in LSTS.
3) emulate Brandon's positive character described in his Biography (see Appendix A).
4) demonstrate financial need.
5) No minimum GPA is required, but applicants must be in good academic standing.

To apply, complete both the General Scholarship Application AND the Health & Human Performance Scholarship Application. 

The recipient shall be selected by the Health & Human Performance Scholarship Committee.

Akard Family Endowed Scholarship (93361)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:
• Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• First preference will be afforded to students having graduated from high school in Sullivan County, Tennessee.
• Second preference will be afforded to students having graduated from a Tennessee high school in Carter, Greene, Hawkins, Johnson, Unicoi, or Washington Counties.
• In the event there is not a qualified applicant from Sullivan, Carter, Greene, Hawkins, Johnson, Unicoi, or Washington Counties, then this scholarship may be awarded to any Tennessee resident.
• Preference will also be afforded to graduates from public schools.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application.

Al Wilkerson Endowed Scholarship (93913)

Applicants must be a junior or senior at MTSU and a Tennessee resident. The recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 and the recipient's family income must qualify the student for financial assistance in accordance with the FAFSA (or appropriate applications and/or forms) on file with the MTSU Financial Aid Office at the time of application. Preference shall be given to African American students.

The recipients shall be selected by the Intercultural & Diversity Affairs Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Albert L. & Ethel Carver Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship - Chemistry (91654)

Applicants must be:

1. A junior or senior in the pre-medicine or pre-pharmacy tracks of study.
2. Enrolled full-time (12+ hours).
3. Student shall have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
4. Student shall demonstrate financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Albert L. & Ethel Carver Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship - Graduate Studies (91656)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

1. Must be enrolled full-time.
2. Student shall have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
3. Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office
4. Must be a Graduate student fully admitted to a graduate program.
5. Must be enrolled in 12 or more hours of graduate study.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application

Albert L. & Ethel Carver Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship - Human Sciences (91655)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

1. The student must be a junior or senior majoring in human sciences.
2. Must be enrolled full-time.
3. Have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
4. Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Alice Strickland Memorial Scholarship (L/P) (93239)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 


Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship (93094)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Scholarship recipients must have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
• Scholarship recipients must be full time students.
• Graduate level students who meet the criteria are eligible for this award.
• Financial need, as determined by the university, shall be considered.
• First preference will be for students from Rutherford County.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.

Alpha Eta Rho Mu Tau Chapter Scholarship (91197)

-Recipient must be an Aerospace major and an active member of Alpha Eta Rho Mu Tau Chapter in good standing during the Spring semester and must enroll for the subsequent Fall Semester.
-Recipient must have an overall GPA of 3.0, an overall Aerospace Department GPA of 3.0, and completed required fraternity sanctioned community service hours.
-Recipient must submit an essay of no more than 500 words explaining why you should be considered for the outstanding member scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the Aerospace Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application. 

Alphonse Cimino Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93865)

To be eligible:

-Applicants shall be enrolled in the MTSU Department of Aerospace Pro-pilot program.
-Recipients must be in good academic standing with MTSU and the Department of Aerospace, as evidenced by a -minimum GPA of 2.8/4.0 scale.
-Students must be at sophomore status or higher.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Alton Julian Endowed Scholarship (93841)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester. Applicants must be in good standing with the University. Preference will be given to students from Warren County, TN or surrounding counties. Applicants must also have at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA and demonstrate financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application

Alumni Legacy Scholarship Discretionary Account (91160)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must have completed a minimum of thirty (30) hours of undergraduate work.
-Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or greater.
-Have strong academic performance, university activity involvement, community service, honors, career goals, and leadership.
-A minimum of one parent, grandparent, step-parent or adoptive parent must be a degreed graduate of MTSU.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete both the General Scholarship Application and the Alumni Association Scholarship Application. 

The recipients will be selected by the Alumni Legacy Scholarship Discretionary Committee.

**Please Note: Applicants who are selected as a recipient of the Alumni Legacy Scholarship will be notified via email by May 1.**

Alumni Scholarship for Summer Research (92457)

To give some financial support to Chemistry graduate students during the summer.

The recipients shall be selected by the Chemistry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Andra Helton Scholarship (91569)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a full-time student admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
-Financial need, as determined by the university, should be considered.
-First preference will be for applicants who have graduated from a Rutherford County, TN high school.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application.

Andrew C. Rambo Memorial Scholarship (91404)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

-Be accepted into the Jones College Master of Business Administration Program.
-Must participate in the accelerated cohort opportunity.
-Must have an undergraduate degree from MTSU.
-Must be a Tennessee resident.
-Submit a letter stating his or her career intent and a short statement of financial need.
-Provide three letters of reference giving supporting statements that the applicant displays evidence of exceptional promise for academic excellence and leadership. 

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Application. 

Andy Kerr - IEBA Scholarship (93420)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.00 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Must be enrolled as a full-time student in an academic concentration in the Recording Industry major and have an interest in seeking a business career in the live entertainment industry.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, may be considered.
• If a recipient fails to maintain the required level of academic performance or changes to a major/minor outside those specified, they shall forfeit any unpaid balance of their award.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Media & Entertainment Scholarship Committee. 

Student must complete the General Scholarship Application to be eligible for this scholarship.

Andy White Memorial Scholarship (93189)

Must be a full time RIM major with 75 credit hours, at least 12 hours of RIM credit, and have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Must also provide a one page letter addressed to Department Chair stating desire to be considered for the award and career goals, and a current resume (no more than two pages) which includes work experience, extracurricular activities, etc.

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry Audio Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Recording Industry Application. 

Angela White Pre-Medical Endowed Scholarship (93946)

-Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale.
-The student should be enrolled full-time and have at least completed their freshman year including freshman chemistry.
-The student should also be able to demonstrate a financial need.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Angie Heydel Walker Scholarship (93290)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Be pursuing a degree in psychology having completed 45 or more hours toward degree completion.
• Have financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the Social Professional Activities Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Angie Walker Memorial Scholarship (93277)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be pursuing a Masters Degree in Psychology.
• Have an overall minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Have financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the Social Professional Activities Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Ann B. Selover Loan Fund (93535A)

To be eligible for this scholarship: 

-Recipient must be a junior or senior.
-Must be a Nursing major.
-Must have a GPA of 2.8 or above.
-Must be a resident of Rutherford County.
-Recipient must also demonstrate financial need.

*Money to be used for tuition only

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the School of Nursing Application. 

Anna Lee Wall Memorial Scholarship (93619)

Scholarship awarded yearly to full-time MTSU student; junior or senior; minimum 3.0 GPA; mass communication major with specialization in electronic media journalism

Aramark Scholarship (93142)

Applicants must be either an incoming freshman or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester & be in good standing with the University. Applicants must also have at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA and demonstrate financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete General Scholarship Application.

Archer-Johnstone Endowed Scholarship (93328)

The scholarship shall be administered in accordance with the following guidelines:

A. Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
B. Must be full-time students of Jones College
C. Must be majoring in Management.
D. Must have completed at least 55 credit hours (excluding developmental studies courses).

Recipients will be chosen by the Management Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Arlene Griva Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93872)

Applicants shall be enrolled in the Master of Science in Professional Science program with a concentration in biotechnology. Recipients must be in good standing with a grade point average of 3.0 or greater.

Arnold/Clark Endowed Fund in Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology (93507A)

Applicants must meet the following criteria: 1. A currently enrolled MTSU student. 2. Have declared a major or minor in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 3. Must have an average of B or higher on all coursework at all academic institutions they have attended.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the College of Behavioral & Health Sciences Scholarship Application

Arunee Kalas Scholarship in Education (93356)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A. Must have been accepted into the Teacher Education Program.
B. Must have an overall grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
C. Must have demonstrated financial need, as determined by the University.
D. First preference will be afforded to applicants who are first generation college students, and/or who are struggling with difficult life challenges.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application. 

Attie E. Lewis Scholarship (93980)

Applicants must meet the following criteria: Must be recognized as a nontraditional student with preference to students with financial need and family responsibilities in addition to their academic workload, have an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, and be enrolled at MTSU.

B. L. Hong Memorial Scholarship in Actuarial Science (91310)

Recipients must be full time student in Actuarial Science at MTSU and have at least a 3.0 GPA in all Actuarial Science courses.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Barbara Cobble Endowed Scholarship (93261)

Applicants must be an student who graduated from a Bedford County, Tennessee high school with a 3.00 GPA. Applicant must demonstrate financial need. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete General Scholarship Application

Barnes & Noble Textbook Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman or incoming transfer student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester. Incoming Freshmen must have a 3.00 high school GPA or minimum 21 ACT composite score or minimum 1060 SAT composite score & demonstrate financial need. Incoming Transfers must have a 3.00 cumulative GPA. In addition, student must demonstrate financial need.

Can receive in combination with other Institutional or Foundation scholarships. Funds can be used at bookstore to purchase textbooks, any course required or related materials such as backpacks, calculator, notebooks, pens, pencils, paper, etc. Cannot be used on clothing, gifts, spirit items, food/drinks.

The recipients shall be selected by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

Bart McCash Memorial Scholarship (93202)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Recipient shall be a student with a major or minor in History.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Basic & Applied Science Scholarship Fund (92777)

Recipient must be a currently enrolled major in one of the departments in the College of Basic and Applied Sciences, have a cumulative grade point average of a least 3.0 out of 4.0, and must be classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Basic & Applied Sciences Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Basic & Applied Sciences Application.

Becky Harris Scholarship (93395)

Applicants must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in Recording Industry, with a preference for a concentration in Music Business, and enrolled as a full-time student. Students must meet eligibility requirements to receive need-based financial aid, as defined by the University and any applicable federal laws or policies. Preference shall go to students who are first-generation college attendees. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale at the time of the award and maintain said level for the duration of the award. 

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry General Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application


Bedford County Alumni Scholarship (93062)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who resides in & graduated from a high school in Bedford County, TN.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Bella W. Higdon Special Education Scholarship Endowment (93960)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Applicants must be majoring in Special Education and be in good standing with the university.
-Applicant must have financial need.
-Must have achieved junior status or higher.
-Must have a 3.00 GPA at the time scholarship eligibility is reviewed.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application. 

Belsky Annual Psychology Scholarship (91513)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

1. Be enrolled full-time and be in good standing with the University.
2. Be a psychology major.
3. Have an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 out of 4.0.
4. Have financial need, as determined by the university.
5. Have past volunteerism working toward the betterment of society.

The recipients shall be selected by the Social Professional Activities Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Psychology Application.

Belt Keathley Memorial Scholarship (93070)

Applicants must be an Incoming freshmen, incoming transfers or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester. Applicants must also be in good standing with the University. Preference is given to applicants who exhibit academic achievement and financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application

Benjamin B. McCeney, Jr. Scholarship in Education (93759)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who is pursuing a College of Education major. Preference given to applicants who attended Homer Pittard Campus Elementary School in Murfreesboro, TN. Next preference is given to applicants who graduated from a Grundy County High School. Next preference given to applicants who are an incoming freshman with financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application & College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Bennie R. Jones Memorial Scholarship (93138)

Applicants must be a resident of Warren County, TN. In addition, the applicant must be a "deserving student." Incoming freshmen, incoming transfers, and current MTSU students for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University may be considered. Preference is given to applicants who exhibit high academic achievement and/or financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students needs to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

BERC Scholarship Fund (91384)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a junior.
-Must have 3.00 GPA.
-Must be a student in the Jones College of Business.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Bertha & Jim Chrietzberg Recreation Scholarship (93598A)

Recipient shall be a major in recreation.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Bertha and J. W. Orr Scholarship (93011)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester, and a resident of Marshall County, TN. If unable to award to a Marshall County student, a Franklin County, TN student may be considered.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Bertie Jenkins Bostic Scholarship (93275)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be a full-time student at Middle Tennessee State University who has been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
• Have the overall grade point average required for admission to the Teacher Education Program at the time the scholarship is awarded.
• Financial aid, in the broadest sense, may be considered.
• First preference will be accorded to students majoring in Special Education.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Application.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.

Bethany Kline Scholarship (93079A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
-Have demonstrated financial need.
-Shall be given to a Health/Human Performance major.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Betty Jo Hyde Welch Memorial Scholarship (93221)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a Junior or a Senior Education major.
-Applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher.
-Applicant must show financial need, commitment, and service to the MTSU campus.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Betty L. James Scholarship (92994)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants shall be a graduate student pursuing an MBA at MTSU.
-Preference shall be given to a student that has demonstrated a spirit of persistence to overcome adversity in their lives.
-Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship during subsequent years and may re-apply.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Application. 

Betty P. Mayberry Scholarship (93991)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who graduated from Pope John Paul II High School in Hendersonville, TN.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application

Bill and Rita Lynch Scholarship (L/P) (93222)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete General Scholarship Application

Bill Brown Writing Scholarship (91615)

The criteria for awards are as follows:
  • Recipients must be an English major with an interest in writing.
  • Must be classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior.
  • Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • Applicants must submit a statement in 300 words or less describing the role writing has played in their life.
  • Financial need as determined by the University is preferred.
  • Preference is given to a student from an underrepresented student population.
The recipients shall be selected by the English-Bill Brown Writing Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the English Scholarship Application. 


Bill Williams Broadcasting Scholarship (93019)

Recipient will be a Recording Industry student.

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Blair and Minnie Russell Scholarship (L/P) (93231)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application


Bluesboro/Omega Delta Psi Scholarship (92992)

Recipient must be a post-candidacy recording industry major at Middle Tennessee State University. Preference is to be given to a member of Omega Delta Psi who is in financial need with a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0. If a student in financial need cannot be identified, the financial need criterion may be waived. In addition, if a member of Omega Delta Psi cannot be identified the membership criterion shall be waived.

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Recording Industry Application. 

Bob & Mary Lynn Prince Scholarship (93263)

Applicants must demonstrate financial need, have endured hardships, and be enrolled full-time every semester. Scholarship has a 3 tiered awarding preference.
  • 1st preference given to applicants who graduated from Shelbyville Central High School, then graduated from Motlow State Community College with an Associates degree or Certificate.
  • 2nd preference given to applicants who graduated from Shelbyville Central High School.
  • 3rd preference given to applicants who graduated from any high school in Bedford County. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application

Bob Abernathy Scholarship (93083)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student in good standing with the University. Priority given to current students to assist in graduation rate (over 60 hours earned).

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, applicants need to complete General Scholarship Application. 

Bob and Ethel Stroop Bowling Scholarship (93830)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University. Applicants must also have at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA. Priority given to current students to assist in graduation rate (over 60 earned hours).

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Bob Jennings Memorial Scholarship (93511)

Recipient must be a full-time RIM Major and must be eligible for internship program. Applicant must submit a typed one page letter addressed to the Department Chair, stating your desire to be considered for this scholarship award, where you will be interning, and your current career goals. Applicant must also submit a current resume (no more than two pages) which includes work, experience, extracurricular activities, etc.

Brian Avery Burdette Social Work Scholarship (93316)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A.    Must be majoring in Social Work, having completed at least 60 hours at the time the scholarship is received.
B.    Must be in good academic standing. 
C.    Must have demonstrated financial need, as determined by the University.
D.    Must have demonstrated a firm commitment to helping people experiencing homelessness, food insecurity, social injustice, and/or other social or economic life challenges.
E.    First preference will be afforded to applicants who are first generation college students, and/or who are struggling with difficult life challenges.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application & the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.

Brian Miller Graduate Research Scholarship (93769)

-Applicants shall be a second year graduate student conducting field studies on Herpetology or Biospelelogy in Tennessee.
-The award is to be used for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and/or travel support to and from research sites.

-The recipients shall be selected by the Biology Graduate Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Biology Application. 

Brian T. Gruber Endowed Scholarship (93288)

Applicants must be a full-time student making SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) with at least a 3.00 GPA. Applicants must also have financial need & have earned at least 60hrs (classified as Junior) towards their degree.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Brian White Endowed Scholarship (93987)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Financial need in the broadest sense may be considered
• Be enrolled in the Professional Pilot concentration.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Brody Jay Towler Memorial Scholarship (93690)

Applicants must meet one of the following criteria: be an incoming freshman enrolling in Recording Industry Management with a minimum ACT score of 25 and GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent); presently enrolled in Recording Industry Management with a GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent); or be a transfer student enrolling in Recording Industry Management with a GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent) and be enrolled as a full-time student.  The student should also have a financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.

Buck Clapp Memorial Fund (92415)

Recipient must be a full-time Aerospace student with minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must write an essay discussing why they are pursuing a career in Aerospace and justification of need.

The recipients shall be selected by the Aerospace Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application.

Buleah Davis Scholarship (93014A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a student in the Department of Health and Human Performance.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

C. Franklin Weakley Scholarship (93137)

Applicants must be a current junior or senior (60+ earned credit hours) at MTSU who demonstrates good moral character, have financial need, and are currently pursuing a major in public service (such as Nursing, Education, Computer Science or Pre-Med). Applicants must also have at least a 2.50 cumulative MTSU GPA, and be from a middle Tennessee county. Preference shall be given to applicants who are residents of Rutherford County. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete General Scholarship Application. 

C.W. Wiser Medical/Allied Health Award (93111)

Awarded to a graduating student who will continue studies at a school of medical technology or other allied health field.

The recipients shall be selected by the Biology Outstanding Student Award Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Biology Application. 

Captain Bernard J. Doubler Endowed Scholarship (93439)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Have declared a MAJOR in Aerospace with a Professional Pilot concentration.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is preferred.
• If a recipient fails to maintain the required level of academic performance or changes to a major/minor outside those specified, they shall forfeit any unpaid balance of their award.

-The scholarship award is to be used to support the student's flight training; specifically flying lessons.
-Each scholarship is for one academic year. Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship during subsequent years. Should a recipient become ineligible, a new recipient may be named using the criteria stated above.

Recipients will be chosen by the Aerospace Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application.

Carl Akers Gardner Memorial Scholarship Endowment (93993)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients must have achieved junior standing, as defined by the University, at the time of the award.
-Must remain in good standing.
-Must be a student in the College of Business.
-Financial need in a general sense should be considered in the selection process.

Recipient will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Carole Carroll Award (92030)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Awards for the top 2 nursing graduates.

Recipients chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing Application. 

Carolyn English Neighbors Endowed Scholarship (93348)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A. Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
B. Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
C. Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
D. First preference will be afforded to students majoring in Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, or Special Education.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application. 

Caukin Family Scholarship (91495)

To be eligible for this Scholarship:

-Applicant must have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Financial need, in the broadest sense, should be considered.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.

Cecil J. Cates Memorial Scholarship (L/P) (93227)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Charlene Bentley Key and Jan Key Marks Endowed Scholarship Fund (93906)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-Must have declared a major in the Jones College of Business.
-Must have earned at least 60 credit hours toward an undergraduate degree. '
-Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered. 

Recipient will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the College of Business Scholarship Application. 

Charles E. Hodge II Scholarship Endowment (93745)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a student majoring in Business.
-Must have at least 60 earned credit hours.
-Must have a 3.75 GPA.
-Must provide a resume.
-Must provide a 500-word essay on "Ethics in Business".

The recipients shall be selected by the Charles E. Hodge II Scholarship Endowment Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Application. 

Charles E. Miller Scholarship (91676)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Candidates must meet be enrolled as a full-time student in the Jones College of Business.
-Preference will be given to an out-of-state student.

The recipients shall be selected by the Business Administration Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to be complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business application

Charles F. & Ethel E. Lewis Scholarship (93733)

-Recipient must be a sophomore majoring in mathematics.
-Be in good academic and social standing.
-The student should be able to demonstrate a financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.
-Preference given to students with good character and scholarship achievement.

The recipients shall be selected by the Mathematical Sciences Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.


Charles Holland Memorial Scholarship (93008)

Recipient must be a senior Biology major continuing in the Graduate School at MTSU.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Charles R. Pruett Endowed Scholarship (93724)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be a rising senior.
-Must be in the College of Business.
-Must have a GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent).
-must be enrolled as a full-time student.
-Preference shall go to students who have completed a successful internship with Northwestern Mutual Financial Network or its successor and have been recommended by their assigned mentor/supervisor following their work experience.

Recipient will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the College of Business Scholarship Application.

Charles R. Ray Pre-Law Scholarship (93606)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients must major in the Pre-law program.
-Recipients must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
- Must be enrolled as a full-time student.
-Preference will be given to students from Franklin-Simpson High School in Franklin, Kentucky. 
-Applicants will be judged on the basis of high school scholastic record, ACT score, desire to study law, and need for financial support.

The recipient will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application

Charles. E. Ray English Scholarship (93289)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

•    Must be a full-time undergraduate student majoring in English with an interest in creative writing.
•    Must have completed 60 credit hours at the time of the award.   
•    Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
•    Financial Need in the broadest sense must be a consideration.
•    Submit a brief (150 word maximum) statement of interest in creative writing.
•    Submit a brief (325 word maximum) sample of creative writing which may be a previously created work.

Each scholarship is for one academic year. Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship during subsequent years. Maximum length is 3 academic years, or 6 semesters.

Recipients will be chosen by the English Scholarship Committee.
To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the English Scholarship Application.


Charlie Daniels Scholarship in Recording Industry (93876)

Applicants shall be enrolled as a full-time student in an academic concentration in the Recording Industry major.

Charlotte Akers Gardner Scholarship (93260)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student at MTSU at the time of the award (minimum 12 credit hours).
-Applicants must have an overall grade point average of a minimum 3.5 in high school or previous school.
-Applicants must submit a 500-word writing sample.
-First preference will be for a new, incoming transfer student who is an English major.
-If there is not a qualified transfer student, then the award may be made to an incoming freshman who is an English major.

Recipients will be chosen by the English Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the English Scholarship Application.


Chemistry Scholarship (92111)

Recipients shall be students in the Chemistry Department.

The recipients shall be selected by the Chemistry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Cherry Womack Scholarship (93276)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

1. Be a full-time student at Middle Tennessee State University who has been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
2. Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Chris Haseleu Recording Industry Scholarship (91193)

Applicants shall be a declared Recording Industry major and an incoming freshman or a transfer student.  In either case, the recipient must be subject to out-of-state tuition.  If these criteria cannot be used to award the scholarship, preference may be given to a Recording Industry student already enrolled, paying out-of-state tuition, and showing merit in their academic work.

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Recording Industry Application. 

Chris Young Endowed Scholarship Fund (93961)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: Have a declared major or minor within the Recording Industry Department in the College of Media and Entertainment. First preference shall go to students who graduated from a Rutherford County high school. Preferred candidates will have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit, although candidates with fewer than 60 hours of credit may be considered, having demonstrated a strong desire to build a career in the entertainment industry.

Christine O'Brien Roddy & A. F. Roddy Memorial Scholarship (93749A)

-Recipients must be Human Sciences majors.
-To be eligible first-time freshman must have a 2.8 high school GPA or a minimum 18 on ACT.
-upper classman and transfer students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
-Recipients must be a full-time student and must be residents of Tennessee.
-Preference given to students from schools located in the Rockvale and Lascassas communities with a secondary preference to all students from Rutherford County, Tennessee, and students who have financial need as determined by the Financial Aid office.

The recipients shall be selected by the Human Sciences Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Christine Vaughan Endowed Scholarship in Education (93362)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
• Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• First preference will be afforded to students having graduated from high school in Coffee County, Tennessee.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application.

Christine Vaughan Scholarship (93068)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient will be an English major.
-Preference given to student from Coffee County.

The recipients shall be selected by the English - Gardner/Vaughan/Beasley/Brown Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application. 


Christopher Nathan Bell Memorial Scholarship (93240)

Recipient must be a Junior or Senior majoring in Journalism. The scholarship is awarded by a writing contest and judged by a faculty committee.

Requirements for Fall 2022 submission:

The Bell Competition is different from other scholarships.  Entrants will produce a human interest/feature story told via words (in other words, a written story) and digital means (video, audio only, animation, etc.) Contestants will have two finished products *FROM THE SAME STORY*:

A *written story* between 600 and 800 words. Entries will be judged on spelling, punctuation, grammar, AP style and the ability to effectively communicate a story.  Entries will be scored on a 100-point scale.

A *digital (video, audio only, animation, etc.) piece* of 2 to 3 minutes in length will be judged on production quality and the ability to effectively communicate a story using interviews, natural sounds and/or images. Entries will be scored on a 100-point scale.  

Works produced for class projects in the Fall of 2021 or the Spring of 2022 are eligible to be entered. Again, both the written piece and the multimedia entry must originate from the same story. The stories do not have to match one another. The contestants are urged to tell each story, employing the attributes of each medium that are appropriate to tell the story, either in words or images/sounds. It will be *your responsibility* to check out equipment needed. *YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AN SD CARD FOR CAMERAS.* Finished stories and multimedia projects must be delivered to Leon Alligood's office, Bragg 229 (above the radio stations) loaded onto a flash drive. *Both stories should be placed in a folder on the flash drive that is named Bell_(your M#).*   (Such as:  Bell_00023313)

*SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:  Do not put your name on any of your work. USE YOUR M# INSTEAD.  If you are doing a TV or radio package, either don't sign off at all or sign off with your M# (as in, reporting from Murfreesboro, this is M#12345678 reporting).*

Clay Chandler Scholarship (93158)

Awarded annually to an outstanding freshman General Biology student.

The recipients shall be selected by the Biology Outstanding Student Award Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Biology Application. 

Cliff Gillespie Scholarship (93530)

Applicants must be an MTSU Senior for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who is a member of the Kappa Iota Chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Clyde Hall Endowed Fund for Student Support in the School of Nursing (93972)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

-Be currently enrolled in MTSU and pursuing a degree in Nursing.
-Must have 45 hours or less remaining for degree completion.
-Must have a minimum 2.7 GPA.
-Must have financial need in the broadest sense to support tuition expense, textbooks, uniforms, clinical related travel, childcare expenses, or any identified and confirmed expense that creates personal challenge to the ability to attain degree completion.
-Preference will be given to students who meet all of the above criteria and have graduated from a high school in one of the counties identified as the Middle Tennessee Grand Division.

*Scholarship will be given to two students annually. 
Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing Scholarship Application. 

College of Business Alumni Scholarship (92702)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Student selected from within the Jennings A. Jones College of Business.
-Selection may be based on financial need, academic performance, and professional activity within the College.
-Must have and maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
-Must be full-time student.
-Must have completed 90 semester hours or more.
-Three (3) letters of recommendation, a transcript, and an essay may be required.
-Active membership in one of the approved student organizations in the JAJ College of Business is required. -Preference will be given to student leaders of approved student organizations within the JAJ COB.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Application. 

College of Education Scholarship (91464)

Recipients must meet the following criteria:

-Applicants must have been accepted into the Teacher Preparation Program,
-Must be College of Education majors.
-Financial aid, in the broadest sense, may be considered.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application. 


Colonel W. James Gregory Endowed Scholarship (93889)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

1. Have declared a major in Aerospace.
2. First preference shall be given to students who graduated from high school in Trousdale County (TN), Macon County (TN), or Smith County (TN). If there are no eligible applicants from these high schools, then the award is available to any student in the Aerospace Department meeting all remaining criteria.
3. Entering students must possess an overall minimum 3.0 high school grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
4. Current students must possess an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale on all completed coursework.
5. Financial need must be demonstrated.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Contemporary German History Endowed Scholarship (93364)

The scholarships may only be granted to outstanding students in Contemporary German History whose emphasis is 20th century German women, the Weimer Republic, the Third Reich or the Holocaust.
Recipients must be worthy graduate and/or undergraduate students who have the following qualifications:
• Must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.2 or greater on a 4.0 scale with higher grades in the course work relevant to the field of the scholarship; and
• Must have done significant research and writing in the 20th century German women, the Weimer Republic, the Third Reich or the Holocaust

The recipients shall be selected by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Application. 


Copyright Solutions Annual Scholarship (91172)

The recipient shall be a major in the Recording Industry program. The recipient shall have financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office and university policy.

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry Music Business Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application

Cornelia Freeman Cooper Endowed Scholarship (93270)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
• Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.
• First preference will be for students who are underrepresented minorities.
• Preference also will be afforded to first generation college students.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Country Radio Scholarship (93787)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Student must be pursuing a degree in the College of Media & Entertainment,
-Juniors or Senior with a "B" average or better are preferred, however sophomores may also apply.
-Recipient must plan to devote a minimum of 10 hours a week in junior or senior year to working or interning in Media Arts. 

Student must submit a typed formal statement of his or her career goal in 1500 to 2000 words, plus 2 formal letters of recommendation.

Recipients will be chosen by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Scholarship Application. 

Crankstart Re-entry Scholarship (91414)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must have experienced a cumulative gap in their education of five or more years.
-Must be at the undergraduate level and pursuing their first baccalaureate degree.
-Must anticipate workforce participation for a significant period of time subsequent to graduation.
-Must demonstrate financial need, socio-economic status, challenges and/or hardships, academic qualifications, achievements and promise and a commitment to obtaining their degree.
-Can be either full-time or part-time students.
-Must have completed the FAFSA. 

The recipients shall be selected by the JAC Women's Center Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Creighton & Elizabeth Hay Rhea Centennial Scholarship Endowment in Health Care Studies (93320)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester, must have 3.50 cumulative GPA, must have minimum ACT score of 29 (SAT score of 1330), and must be pursuing a field of study in Pre-Dentistry or Pre-Medicine. Students must also demonstrate leadership, athletic and/or extracurricular activities. In addition, a minimum of 2 letters of recommendation may be required to be considered for this scholarship. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. 

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Creighton & Elizabeth Hay Rhea Rutherford County Centennial Scholarship Endowment (93322)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester, must have 3.50 cumulative GPA, must have minimum ACT score of 29 (SAT score of 1330), must have graduated from Rutherford County, TN high school, and must live in Rutherford County, TN. Students must also demonstrate leadership, athletic and/or extracurricular activities. Students must be pursuing a field of study in pre-professional health care (i.e. medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, etc) or traditional sciences. In addition, a minimum of 2 letters of recommendation are required to be considered for this scholarship. Preference will be given to students who graduated from Eagleville High School.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. 

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Criminal Justice Endowed Scholarship (93773A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be a resident of Tennessee.
-Be pursuing a career in the field of Criminal Justice and/or Criminology.
-Have an intent and the professional potential to pursue a career in the juvenile justice profession.
-Maintain a 3.0 GPA.
-Be at least a rising junior in the Criminal Justice undergraduate program.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Criminal Justice Application. 

Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Scholarship (91279)

To be eligible:

-Recipients must meet all requirements for admission and have been accepted and/or enrolled at MTSU at the time of the award.
-Recipient must be a resident of the state of Tennessee and a full-time student (or part-time student currently employed as a law enforcement officer).
-Recipient must demonstrate intent and professional potential to pursue a career in law enforcement.
-Recipient must be at least a rising junior or senior majoring in Criminal Justice 
-Recipient must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average.

The recipients will be selected by the Criminal Justice Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Criminal Justice Application. 

Crystal Air Scholarship in General Aviation (91644)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A. Be enrolled in the Department of Aerospace.
B. Have completed 30 hours in their major
C. Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale
D. Financial need, as determined by the University, will be considered.
E. Preference given to students intending pursue a General Aviation/Non-Commercial Airline Career (no student in an airline recruiting program).

The recipients shall be selected by the Aerospace Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application. 

Cullum Family Scholarship (L/P) (93636)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Curtis and Jeannine Sawyer Endowed Scholarship (93354)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:
a. Have declared a major in Supply Chain Management in the Jones College of Business and be enrolled as a full-time student
b. Have earned at least 60 credit hours toward an undergraduate degree
c. Have an overall 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale
d. Preference will be given to a student-veteran

The recipients shall be selected by the Supply Chain Management Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Application. 

Curtis Marshall Selle Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93737)

-Applicants must be majoring in Aerospace with a Professional Pilot concentration and be enrolled as full-time.
-The student should also be beginning or currently working on their commercial certificate, instrument, and multi-engine ratings.
-reference given to a student with financial need.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Daisy Briscoe Endowed Scholarship (93786)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Applicants must be Tennessee resident majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies, Elementary Education or Special Education with emphasis in kindergarten - 4th grade or 4th grade - 8th grade.
Applicant must be Junior or Senior
with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
Applicant must express an interest in teaching in a rural area or an area of poverty.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application. 


Dames Club of MTSU Scholarship (93213)

Current MTSU Student Junior Senior

Applicants must be a Tennessee resident with at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA. Applicants must also be enrolled full-time as a undergraduate student who is at least classified as a Junior (60 earned credit hours). Applicants can't be receiving any public/private scholarship that is equal or greater than the cost of tuition, such as Buchanan Fellowship. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, Transfer Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, Honors Buchanan Scholarship or Honors Transfer Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Damien Bell Minority Student Scholarship (93574)

Must be Junior or Senior majoring in Recording Industry. Applicants with 2.5 - 2.9 GPA are eligible for scholarship with two letters of recommendation from Recording Industry faculty members. Applicants with 3.0 GPA or better do not need letters of recommendation.

Dan Scott Chemistry Scholarship (93509)

Applicants shall be classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior, and be a chemistry major.


To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Dan Whittle Scholarship (91509)

The student must be a currently enrolled undergraduate majoring in the School of Journalism and Strategic Media, must be in the Journalism concentration, and must have a 3.2 G.P.A. at the time of the scholarship application. Need, in its broadest sense, may be considered as part of the selection.

D'Ann Bragg Schmitt Scholarship (93297)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

1. Be a full-time student at MTSU who is majoring in Early Childhood Education, and who has been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
2. Have and maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for their required College of Education courses.
3. Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Dansby Perseverance Award (91648)

Applicants shall be a graduating Professional Counseling student who has overcome multiple hardships and challenges yet persevered to obtain the Professional Counseling graduate degree. The Professional Counseling Program faculty committee will select award recipient(s) who demonstrated perseverance throughout the program.

The recipients shall be selected by the Professional Counseling Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Professional Counseling Application. 

David and Kathi Baggott Scholarship (93308)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be majoring in Math, Computer Science, Chemistry, Biology, or Physics.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
• Have been admitted into the Teacher Education Program.
• Have a minimum grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
• Have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit by the time the scholarship is received.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

David Chambers Endowed Scholarship (93931)

Applicant must be eligible to receive financial aid as defined by MTSU's policies and procedures. Incoming Freshman must have graduated from a Rutherford County high school with a 2.80 GPA or higher AND a minimum 21 on the ACT (1060 SAT). All other applicants must have a 2.50 cumulative GPA. Applicants must be enrolled in at least 9 hours each semester. Applicants must submit a 1 page essay outlining their work ethic and their plan for success in life. Preference shall be given to applicants who graduated from Seigel High School or Oakland High School. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.  

David O. and Mary Elizabeth Thomas Endowed Scholarship (93856)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship:

-A student shall be enrolled as a full-time student.
-Must be classified as at least a junior majoring in Media Arts.
-The applicant must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
-Must have exhibited great promise for a career in the field of Media Arts.
-Preference shall be given to students that have financial need.

Recipients will be chosen by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

David Patrick Richardson Memorial Scholarship (93307)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
• Be majoring in Management in the Jones College of Business at MTSU
• Class standing as a rising junior or senior, having completed at least 60 hours when the scholarship is received.
• Financial need as determined by the University is required.

Recipients will be chosen by the Management Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the School of Business Scholarship Application. 

David Sanborn Ecology Scholarship (93655)

-Recipient shall be an outstanding junior that has shown an interest in the area of field biology.
-Completion of at least one field biology course with evidence of academic excellence is required.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

David W. Kious Scholarship (93959)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Candidates must be Political Science majors whose course of study fits the Pre-Law curriculum.

The recipient will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Davidson County Alumni Chapter Scholarship (92479)

-One or both of the natural, adoptive, or stepparents of the applicant must be an alumnus of MTSU.
-The applicant must have attended and anticipate graduating from a school located in Davidson County and reside in Davidson County.
-The applicant must meet the eligibility requirements of MTSU and be accepted at said university.
-Having met the above requirements, selection will be on the basis of academic record, achievements, leadership, and community involvement.

-The recipients shall be selected by the Alumni Special Committee.
-To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Alumni Association Application. 


Dean's Academic Excellence Scholarship (92781)

Applicants of this scholarship must:

1) be a full-time student for the coming Summer or Fall semester
2) have a minimum GPA of 3.75
3) have a declared major in the College of Media and Entertainment (journalism, media arts or
recording industry) and
4) have completed a minimum of 60 hours of course credit.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Media and Entertainment Scholarship
Committee in the Dean’s office.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Media and Entertainment Application.

Deaver Phoenix Foundation Annual Scholarship (91242)

-Applicants must be enrolled at MTSU in the Aerospace Program.
-Enrolled in a flight lab.
-A rising junior.
-Of good character.
-Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Dellmar Walker Award for Outstanding Senior in Dietetics (93353)

The award shall be administered pursuant to the following guidelines:

1.    The award will be given each academic year. When the endowment generates sufficient spendable earnings, the amount of the one award may be increased, or additional worthy recipients may be selected. This award will be limited to the funds available in the spendable account consistent with award guidelines. Each recipient shall be selected by the Nutrition and Food Sciences faculty, as designated by the Program Director.

2.    To be eligible for consideration for this award, candidates must meet the following criteria:
•    Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.

•    Be pursuing a degree in Dietetics, having completed 90 or more hours toward degree completion.

•    Must receive faculty recommendation.

3.    Prior recipients are disqualified from consideration for this award during subsequent years. Should a recipient become ineligible, a new recipient may be named using the criteria stated above.

To be eligible, student must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Dennis and Marsha Doebler Scholarship (91604)

Applicants must:
  • Be full-time student majoring in Elementary Education.
  • Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education
  • Preference will be afforded to students having graduated from a high school in Bledsoe, Bradley, Hamilton, Marion, Meigs, Sequatchie, or Rhea Counties.
  • Have a minimum grade point average of 2.75
  • Financial need, as determined by the university, should be considered.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Dennis Bain Memorial Fund (92690)

Applicants must be a non-traditional (adult) student who is currently enrolled at MTSU, is at least 25 years old, and has taken at least 1 distance learning course. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have at least 60 hours at the time scholarship eligibility is determined. They must also be working on their first undergraduate bachelor's degree.

The recipients shall be selected by the University College Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the Dennis Bain Memorial Scholarship Application. 

Dennis Mullen Vertebrate Biol/Aquatic Ecology Research Scholarship (93770)

Applicants shall be a graduate student engaged in research in the fields of Vertebrate Biology or Aquatic Ecology. The award is to be used for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and/or travel support to and from research sites.

The recipients shall be selected by the Biology Graduate Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Biology Application. 

Department of Chemistry Retired Faculty Scholarship (91635)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:
  1. Have an overall minimum 3.00 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
  2. Recipients may be either undergraduate or graduate students.
  3. Financial need in the broadest sense may be considered.
  4. Be enrolled in the Department of Chemistry.
The recipients shall be selected by the Chemistry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application.

Department of History Scholarship Fund (91452)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a History student.
-Must be a sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student classification.
-Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA.

The recipients shall be selected by the History Scholarship Committee.
To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Scholarship Application.


Dept of Recording Industry-ARA Scholarship (92776)

The Recording Industry Dept. will award ARA scholarships to the outstanding music business student and the outstanding production & technology student each year. Qualifications are: Must be in the appropriate concentration (music business or production tech) and of Senior standing.

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application

Diane & Jim Miller Teaching Mathematics Scholarship (92884)

-Applicants shall be a mathematical sciences student.
-A Tennessee resident.
-Be enrolled as a full-time student (12 hours or more).
-Preference will be given to students pursuing a degree in Mathematics with the intent to teach mathematics. --Recipients shall have a 3.0 grade point average or greater based upon a 4.0 scale
-Must have junior status (having completed 60 or more hours).
-First preference shall be given to students who are first generation college students and have financial need.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application. 


Don Ace Memorial Aerospace Scholarship (93198)

Open to all MTSU Aerospace students that meet the following requirements: 
o Must submit an Aerospace Scholarship Application (and all associated documentation) 
o Must be a student in the Professional Pilot Concentration 
o Must be at least a sophomore 
o Must have an excellent GPA
 · Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration

(Per Tim Rosser of Aerospace Dept)

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Don and Hanna Witherspoon Endowed Scholarship (93744)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University. Preference shall be given to Tennessee residents and applicants who exhibit academic achievement and financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Donald and Frances McDonald Quasi-Endowed Scholarship in Aerospace (93266)

The scholarships shall be awarded based upon the following criteria:
a. The applicant must have attended his or her entire senior year in a high school in the state of Tennessee and must have a high school grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and an ACT score of at least 22.
b. The applicant shall be chosen based on his or her demonstrated need for financial aid as documented through completion of standard federal or state forms submitted to the Director of Financial Aid of Middle Tennessee State University.
c. The applicant must submit to the respective department as part of the application process an essay of no more than 1,000 words stating his or her need for the scholarship and his or her immediate and long-range goals concerning his or her respective occupations.
d. The applicant must read and demonstrate his or her knowledge of the Donors' Biographies, which will be furnished by the Foundation.
e. The applicant must qualify as a full-time student carrying a minimum of 12 academic hours each semester, except when less than a full-time course load is necessary to complete a degree program and must graduate in no more than 9 semesters.
Applicants must be a student in the Department of Aerospace, complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application.

Donald Pettet Memorial Scholarship Fund (93718)

-Applicants must be majoring in Aerospace.
-Pursuing a career in piloting.
-The student should also have at least a private pilot's certificate.
-Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale in their major course work or be an incoming freshman with a minimum ACT score of 26 and enrolled full-time.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Donna Brake Memorial Scholarship (93259)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

 -Have declared a major in the Media Arts Department.
-Must have completed at least 30 hours of academic credit.
-Preference will be given to students with an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
-Preference will be given to first-generation college students.
-Need, in its broadest sense, may be considered as part of the selection.

Recipients will be chosen by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Scholarship Application. 

Dorothy & Donald Line Memorial Scholarship (91327)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Applicants shall be a major within the College of Media and Entertainment.
-Must be enrolled as a full-time student.
-Must be classified as at least a junior.
-Preference shall be given to students that have financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Media and Entertainment Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Media and Entertainment Application

Dorothy and Robert MacLean Scholarship (93611)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Douglas E. Stults Memorial Scholarship (93183)

Applicants shall be a journalism major, have a 2.7 grade point average, and be classified as a sophomore or higher. The editor of Sidelines and editors of other student run publications shall automatically be candidates to receive this scholarship. Applicants may submit up to three (3) samples of their writing for the committee in support of their application. These submissions are not required, but may be used in the awarding process.

Doyle Allen Butcher Scholarship (93392)

To be eligible for consideration, candidates must meet the following criteria:
  • Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
  • Have declared a MAJOR in Aerospace with a Professional Pilot concentration.
  • Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
The recipients shall be selected by the Aerospace Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application.

Dr. Aaron W. Todd Scholarship for Future Science Teachers (93975)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have a major in biology, chemistry, geosciences, mathematics, or physics with preference given to chemistry majors.
-Have a minor in secondary education (grades 6-12).
-Must be admitted to the Teacher Education program at MTSU
-Must have a GPA of at least 3.0.
- Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Dr. and Mrs. Quill E. Cope Scholarship (93154)

To be eligible for this scholarship:
-must be an Incoming Freshman.
-majoring in Elementary or Secondary Education.
-with a minimum ACT score of 25 & a high school GPA of 2.8.
-Or an Incoming Transfer student.
-majoring in Elementary or Secondary Education.
- with a GPA of 2.8 & enrolled full-time.
-Or a current MTSU student.
-majoring in Elementary or Secondary Education.
-with a cumulative GPA of 2.8.
The scholarship is renewable for up to 10 semesters, provided the recipient meets the requirements for continuation.
The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Dr. Bob Womack & Miss Helen Womack Education Leadership Endowed Scholarship (93862)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a graduate student pursuing a degree in any program in the Department of Educational Leadership.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Dr. Charles Worthy Babb Endowed Scholarship (93764)

To be eligible for this scholarship: 

-Applicants must be majoring in Elementary and/or Special Education.
-Must have a minimum 3.00 GPA.
-Applicant must have financial need.
-Preference shall be given to applicants who are from Lenoir City, TN.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Dr. Cliff Gillespie Scholarship Fund (93727)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
• Have been admitted into the Teacher Education Program.
• Have a minimum grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
• Have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit by the time the scholarship is received.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.

Dr. Connie J. Smith Scholarship (93278)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

1. Be a full-time student at MTSU who has been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education, and who is majoring in Special Education.
2. Have the overall grade point average required for admission to the Teacher Education Program at the time the scholarship is awarded.
3. Financial need is required with preference given to applicants with the greatest documented need.
4. First preference will be accorded to first generation college students.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Dr. David Grubbs Endowed Scholarship (93382)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Must be a full-time undergraduate student majoring in Political Science.
• Applicant must be in sophomore standing when the scholarship is awarded.
• Financial need as defined by the University is required.
• Have an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.

The recipients shall be selected by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.


Dr. Delores M. Doyle Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship (93687)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a Junior or Senior.
-Must be majoring in Elementary Education.
-Applicant must have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
-Preference shall be given to applicants that are the dependent of a Kindergarten through 8th grade teacher.
-Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Dr. Dennis Powell Endowed Scholarship Fund (93947)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-Have declared a MAJOR in Criminal Justice 
-Financial need in the broadest sense may be considered.
-All entering or currently enrolled students are eligible.

To apply for this scholarship, the student must complete the General Scholarship Application and AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Criminal Justice Application OR College of Behavioral & Health Sciences Scholarship Application. 

Dr. Frank Lee Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93802A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants shall be full-time juniors or seniors.
-majoring in Criminal Justice 
-minimum 2.75 grade point average.
Able to demonstrate financial need.

To apply for this scholarship, the student must complete the General Scholarship Application and AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Criminal Justice Application OR College of Behavioral & Health Sciences Scholarship Application.  

Dr. Giles Damron Pre-Dental Scholar (91630)

-Recipients will have earned at least 100 hours and are expected to graduate in the semester of the award.
-Recipients will be pre-dental students who have been accepted into a dental school.

The recipients shall be selected by the Pre-Professional Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Dr. Glenn Himebaugh Endowed Scholarship (93895)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: 3.0 grade point average or greater, sophomore class or higher, major must be in the School of Journalism including print journalism, public relations, graphic design, and advertising. As a part of the application a maximum 500 word essay on the topic of "The Function of Professional News Media in Today's Society" must be submitted.

The recipients shall be selected by the Journalism and Strategic Media Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Journalism and Strategic Media Application. 

Dr. James E. and Beverly R. Calder Endowed Scholarship (93939)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be majoring in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education or Special Education.
-Must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
-Must be admitted into the Teacher Education Program.
-Must be a graduate of an out-of-state high school.
-Must demonstrate financial need. 
In the event a qualified recipient is not available, the scholarship may be awarded to a candidate minoring in secondary education with the intent to become a classroom teacher upon graduation. This candidate must meet all other listed criteria for consideration.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Dr. James H. and Betty S. Hutchinson Chemistry Scholarship (93055)

Applicants must be Chemistry majors at the Junior and/or Senior level who are following the ACS guidelines, in good academic standing with the University, and eligible to receive financial aid as determined by the University's existing financial aid policies.


To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Dr. Judy Campbell Graduate Alumni Annual Scholarship (91231)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a MTSU alumni student(s)
-Must be enrolled in the School of Nursing Master of Nursing Graduate program.
-Must maintain a 3.0 GPA.

The recipients shall be selected by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Nursing Application. 

Dr. Kay Garrard Academic Leadership Award (93781A)

"The recipient shall: Be a Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology major who is completing an undergraduate degree in the spring or summer semester of the award calendar year, Have achieved at the time of the award a minimum grade point average of 3.2 overall and 3.5 in the major on a 4.0 scale, Have received excellent clinical evaluations by two clinical supervisors, Have demonstrated excellent speaking and writing skills, Have demonstrated leadership as well as ability to collaborate with other students, Have demonstrated interest in seeking knowledge and improvement beyond the required academic course of study, and Have applied to graduate school to begin graduate study in the fall semester after graduating from MTSU, with the intent to advance her or his education in the field of speech-language pathology, audio logy, deaf education, or a closely related field such as special education. "

Dr. Marc Singer Scholarship (91591)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A. Have an overall minimum 3.25 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
B. Class standing as a rising junior or senior majoring in Management, having completed at 60 hours at the time of the scholarship application.
C. Preference will be given to a student who is intending to pursue a career in Human Resources.

The recipients shall be selected by the Management Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Management Application. 

Dr. Mel and Caroline Scarlett Scholarship (93209)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must also demonstrate altruistic life goals, good character, leadership, and academic ability. Priority given to current students to assist in graduation rate (over 60 earned hours).

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Dr. Richard and Myra Tarpey Supply Chain Endowed Scholarship (93367)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:
a. Have declared a major in Supply Chain Management in the Jones College of Business and be enrolled as a full-time student
b. Have earned at least 60 credit hours toward an undergraduate degree by the time the scholarship is received
c. Have an overall 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale
d. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated interest in seeking supply chain knowledge and improvement beyond the required academic course of study (research, student organizations participation, etc.).

The recipients shall be selected by the Supply Chain Management Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Application. 

Dr. Robert E. Eaker Scholarship (91545)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a full-time student majoring in a program within the College of Education.
-Must have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Financial need, as determined by the university, should be considered. 
-First preference will be for underrepresented minority students.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.


Dr. Sam Ingram Scholarship (91492)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a full-time student admitted to Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Financial need is required.
-First preference will be given to students who transferred to MTSU from Motlow State Community College.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Dr. Scott H. Colclough Endowed Scholarship Fund (93966)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

-Currently enrolled in MTSU and pursuing a degree in the Department of Health & Human Performance.
-Have a minimum 2.75 GPA.
-Financial need in the broadest sense may be considered.
-Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated interest in aquatic therapy research and related careers.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Health/Human Performance Application. 

Dr. Vanessa Lefler Scholarship (91625)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients shall be an undergraduate or graduate student.
-majoring in International Relations (undergraduate) or International Affairs (graduate).
-a GPA above 3.33.

The recipients shall be selected by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Drs. Clyde and Irina Willis Scholarship (93279)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-Must have declared a major in Political Science or International Relations.
-Must be a Sophomore or higher in classification.
-Financial need, in the broadest sense, may also be considered.

The recipient will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 


Drs. David & Lorraine Singer Scholarship (93720)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Applicants must have a 3.20 GPA at the time the award is made.
Eligible students must have been admitted to the Teacher Preparation program.
Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.

In order to maintain eligibility, students must maintain the following: 1) MTSU cumulative GPA of a least 2.80 2) Continuous enrollment each Fall & Spring semester 3) Enrolled full-time each Fall & Spring semester. Student's scholarship eligibility for Spring will be checked after Fall semester.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Duke-Helton Scholarship Experiential Learning Award (93934)

To be eligible for consideration for this award, candidates must meet the following criteria:
A. Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
B. Have declared a STEM major with preference given to computer science and mathematical sciences majors.
C. Be currently registered as a full-time, undergraduate student.
D. Demonstrate financial need, in the broadest sense, as determined by the Dean's Award Committee.

Duke-Helton Scholarship in Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences (93933)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:
-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
-Have a declared major in Computer Science or Mathematical Sciences.
-Be registered as a full-time incoming freshman or a current, full-time, undergraduate student.
-Demonstrate financial need, in the broadest sense, as determined by the scholarship committee.
-First preference will be given to first generation college students.
-Freshmen receiving this scholarship are expected to maintain a 3.0 GPA to continue receiving the scholarship each year. 

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Mathematical Sciences Application. 

E. May Saunders Endowed Scholarship (93192)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be enrolled in the College of Education.
-Must have financial need.
-Preference is given to applicants who intend to teach and have included musical training in their college coursework.

Scholarship is for one academic year and is renewable at the discretion of the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.

Eagle Scout Endowed Scholarship (93293)

Applicants must have earned The Eagle Scout rank in the Boy Scouts of America, and must provide a copy of their Eagle Scout card or certificate. Applicants must also Undergraduate student enrolled full-time & must not be receiving public and/or private scholarship funds that are in excess of their tuition/fees for the semester of award. Applicants must have at least either 1) a 2.50 college GPA if Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Transfer or 2) a 2.50 high school GPA for incoming freshman. Preference shall be given to Scouts who received the Eagle Scout rank from Middle Tennessee Council of the Boys Scouts of America.

The recipient shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application AND the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Edith Ann Clark Moore Endowed Scholarship (93303)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Scholarship recipients must have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
• Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.
• First preference will be for students from Shelby and Rutherford Counties, with half of the spendable earnings to be allocated to each.
• Preference will also be afforded to students who are underrepresented minorities.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Education Abroad - College of Education (91463)

Recipients must meet the following criteria:

-Applicants must be College of Education majors or minors.
-Must have at least 30 hours earned credit.
-Must be participants in the faculty-led education abroad program and course.
-Must have a minimum 2.5 overall GPA.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Edward L. & Aileen O. Jennings Scholarship (93007)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicant must be an undergraduate history major.
-Scholarship recipients are eligible to reapply for a second year.
-Applicants for the scholarship must be enrolled for a minimum of twelve semester hours at the time of application. -Applicants must have an overall GPA of 2.75 with a 3.0 GPA in a minimum of 15 hours of history courses.
-Applicants must have financial need.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the History Scholarship Application.


Eileen Marie Mahan Memorial Scholarship (93073A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a Cannon County student.
-Must have acceptable nursing entrance exam score.
-Must have a GPA of 2.5 or above.
-Must have demonstrated financial need.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing Scholarship Application. 

Elaine & Richard Warwick Endowed Scholarship (93334)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
• Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
• If a recipient fails to maintain the required level of academic performance or changes to a major/minor outside those specified, they shall forfeit any unpaid balance of their award

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.

Eleanor Frances Nelson Jordan Endowed Scholarship in Education (93363)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
• Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.


Eleanor Frances Nelson Jordan Endowed Scholarship in Professional Counseling (93942)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Have declated a major in Professional Counseling.
• If a recipient fails to maintain the required level of academic performance or changes to a major outside those specified, they shall forfeit any unpaid balance of their award.
• Preference shall be given to a student pursuing their degree in School Counseling. It is the intent of the donor that the recipient be an individual with plans to be employed in a school setting as a school counselor.

Elisabeth & Granville Ridley Scholarship (93206)

Applicants shall be a full-time undergraduate student who is a resident of Rutherford County, TN. Applicants must also be a sophomore, junior, or senior with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00.

The recipients shall be selected by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. 

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Elizabeth Clements Womack Scholarship (93689)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be an undergraduate student majoring in Elementary Education or Interdisciplinary Studies.
-Must have minimum GPA of 2.5,
-Must be enrolled full-time.
-Must have financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Elizabeth Stratton Porter Scholarship (93103)

Awarded to an editor of Sidelines.

Elkin and Billye Ann Brown Memorial Scholarship (93438)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must:

-Scholarship recipients must be majoring in English.
-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-First preference will be afforded to a nontraditional student, as defined by the University.

-If a recipient fails to maintain the required level of academic performance or changes to a major/minor outside those specified, they shall forfeit any unpaid balance of their award.
-Each scholarship is for one academic year. Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship during subsequent years. Should a recipient become ineligible, a new recipient may be named using the criteria stated above.

Recipients will be chosen by the English Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Elliott P. Dawson - Bio-Ventures Inc Biology Scholarship (93676)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average and a minimum 3.2 average in Biology related courses on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-Be a major in good standing in Biological Sciences.
-Have earned at least 60 hours of academic time at the time scholarship funds are paid to the recipient.
-Financial need, as determined by the university, may be considered.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Elliott P. Dawson - Bio-Ventures Inc Chemistry Scholarship (93677)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: Have an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average and a minimum 3.2 average in all Chemistry related courses on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application. Be a major in good standing in Chemistry. Have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit before scholarship funds are paid to the recipient. Financial need, as determined by the university, may also be considered.


To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Ellis Rucker Freshman Scholarship (93060)

Recipient shall be an incoming freshman Biology major.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Elsie Brandon Quasi-Endowed Fund (93899)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and be in good standing with the University. Applicants must also have at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA. Preference given to students nearing graduation (over 60 earned hours)

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Elzie and Nell McBride Scholarship (93090)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who graduated from a DeKalb County, TN high school. Applicants must demonstrate leadership, moral character & financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Admissions Office.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Emmett & Rose Kennon Endowed Scholarship (93850)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must also have at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA. Preference given to students nearing graduation (over 60 earned hours)

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete General Scholarship Application. 

English Department Scholarship Fund (91448)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a current English major.
-3.0 GPA overall in the English major.
-Preference given to transfer students.

*At least $250 each semester, renewable as long as student meets requirements:

Recipients will be chosen by the English Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Ernest & Peggy Burgess Tennessee Teach Back Initiative (TTBI) Scholarship (91682)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship:

Freshman: Must have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of high school graduation, and/or 21 ACT or higher composite ACT.

Transfer: Must have a cumulative college GPA of 2.75 or higher and meet individualized requirements necessary to be admitted into MTSU's Teacher Education Program.

Full-time student: in the College of Education enrolled in a teaching licensure-seeking major or minor.
-Must have completed the nominee portion of the Tennessee Teach Back Educational Service Agreement, stipulating performance requirements and post-graduate expectations of each student.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application


Ernest and Frances Smith Scholarship (L/P) (93245)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Ernest Hooper History Scholarship (93107)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Student must have completed at least 60 semester hours.
-Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher.
-Must be a History or History distributive major.
-Must have a minimum of 12 semester hours in History.
-Must have a GPA of 3.5 to be potentially eligible for this award.
-Candidates must be nominated by History Department faculty members.
-Applicants must submit a brief written statement concerning the value of history and their reasons for majoring in it.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.
To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the History Scholarship Application.


Ernestine N. Reeder Honor Scholarship (93522A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients must be a Human Sciences major.
-Have completed a minimum of 18 hours course work in their major.
-Have a minimum overall 3.0 GPA.
-Be an active member of at least one student organization in the Human Sciences Department.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Human Sciences Scholarship Application. 

Estate of Eileen N. Mahan Scholarship (93650A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Recipient must be enrolled in the Nursing program.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Excellence in Aviation Scholarship in Aerospace (93760)

-Applicants must be accepted or enrolled at MTSU in the Aerospace Department.
-Be at least a sophomore undergraduate student in good standing with the Aerospace Department and faculty. --Preference shall be given to students with financial need that have not received any other scholarship assistance for the semester that selection is made.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Felix & Elinor Sawyer Quasi-Endowed Scholarship (93402)

Applicants must be an enrolled at least half-time, must be in good standing with the University, and have financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete General Scholarship Application. 

Ferrell Family Memorial Scholarship (93305)

Applicants must be enrolled in either the School of Agriculture, the Department of Aerospace or the School of Nursing. In addition, applicants must have completed at least 30 hours in their major with  at least a 3.00 GPA . Applicants must also demonstrate Financial Need

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Fielder Family Endowed Scholarship (93782)

Applicants must be a Wayne County, TN resident who is enrolled full-time. Donor preference given to those students demonstrating financial need, then to those applicants majoring in the following: Journalism, Elementary and/or Secondary Education, Nursing, Music or Recording Industry.

Recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

First Generation Endowment Scholarship (93775)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who is a first-generation college student. Applicants must also have at least a 2.75 high school GPA. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Forrest Paschal Scholarship (L/P) (93248)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Fostering the Future Scholarship (91632)

Applicants must be a former foster child from any state who is enrolled full-time and is in good standing with MTSU. Preference given to students who are majoring in Computer Science or Information Systems.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application AND the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Fran Riel Scholarship in Recreation (92450A)

To be eligible for this scholarship: 

-Recipient must be enrolled full-time Recreation and Leisure Management degree program.
-Student must have upper division status of 60 credit hours.
-Must have 3.0 GPA or above.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Frank & Harriet Hedrick Aviation Scholarship (93050)

Recipient must be a student in good standing enrolled in the Aerospace program.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Frank and Mary Esther Crosslin Scholarship (L/P) (93633)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Frederic M. Crawford History Scholarship in European and Global History (93875)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants shall be a History student currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at MTSU.
-The scholarship's namesake prefers that the student have an interest in European and Global History as determined by the History Scholarship Committee.
-The student may strengthen their application for this scholarship by presenting evidence to the committee showing their interest in one or both of these historical areas.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the History Scholarship Application.

Frederick Delay Quasi-Endowed Scholarship (93893)

Applicants must be an incoming freshmen, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University. Applicant must have at least a minimum cumulative 3.00 GPA. Preference given to students nearing graduation (over 60 earned hours)

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Freeman P. Jordan, Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Biology (93809)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, a student shall be majoring in biology at MTSU.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Freshman DREAM Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming Freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who is eligible for the Tennessee HOPE Lottery Scholarship (21 composite ACT/1060 SAT or 3.00 high school GPA); has an EFC of 9,000 or less on FAFSA; and meet the University's definition of diversity. Applicants must submit their FAFSA by February 15th to be considered. Applicants must be enrolled full-time each semester, must meet the GPA & enrollment renewal requirements for the Tennessee HOPE Lottery Scholarship, must be in good standing for the purpose of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), must be a US citizen or permanent resident, and cannot be the recipient of a Guaranteed Freshman Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship or Honors Buchanan Scholarship. 

Definition of Diversity may include, but is not limited too, the following: disability status, first-generation college students, gender identity/expression, non-traditional students, personal hardships, sexual orientation, special gifts or talents, and veteran status.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete General Scholarship Application.

Gale J. Clark Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93826)

Applicants shall have completed two semesters of their graduate program in chemistry with a preference to students that have an emphasis in analytical chemistry. Recipients shall have exhibited enthusiasm, perseverance and dedication to their thesis research.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Gayle N. Blair Memorial Scholarship (93681)

Applicants must be high school graduate from Cannon County High School or Oakland High School. 1st preference given to students who are enrolled full-time, demonstrate financial need & are incoming Transfer for the upcoming Fall semester who has earned at least 45 hours with a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA. If no eligible student under 1st preference, previous year recipient can receive again. If no eligible previous recipient, then Incoming Freshman can be awarded as long as not attending same High School as the other recipient. Must be 1 student from Cannon County High School and 1 student from Oakland High School

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, student need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Geminii Scholarship in Textiles, Merchandising, and Design (91657)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:
  1. Have an overall minimum 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
  2. Be enrolled as a full-time student majoring in Apparel Design or Fashion Merchandising.
  3. Be a member of FaDS (Fashion and Design Students) student organization for at least 1 year, actively involved with events including Who.Is.Geminii fashion events, and remain active through the term of the scholarship.
  4. Must have completed 25 credit hours at time of award.
  5. Preference will be given to minority students.
  6. Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
The recipients shall be selected by the Human Sciences Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Human Sciences Application. 

Gene Graham Journalism Award (93024)

Recipient shall be an outstanding junior in news-editorial or magazine.

Gene H. Sloan Scholarship (93717)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be Junior or Senior majoring in journalism or minoring in business law.
-The recipient must have a 3.2 grade point average or higher at the time the award is made.

The recipient will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 


Gentry Moffitt Book Scholarship (93758)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must be a graduate from Warren County, TN and currently reside in Warren County, TN. Applicants must also have at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA, major in Computer Science, Liberal Arts, Math or Science, and demonstrate financial need and good moral character. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, Transfer Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, Honors Buchanan Scholarship or Honors Transfer Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

This scholarship is awarded in conjunction with a Tuition scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. 

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Gentry Moffitt Tuition Scholarship (93758)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must be a graduate from Warren County, TN and currently reside in Warren County, TN. Applicants must also have at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA, major in Computer Science, Liberal Arts, Math or Science, and demonstrate financial need and good moral character. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, Transfer Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, Honors Buchanan Scholarship or Honors Transfer Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

This scholarship is awarded in conjunction with a Book scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. 

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

George and Charlotte Gardner Scholarship (L/P) (93232)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 25 ACT composite (1200 SAT) and at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

George Jones Memorial Scholarship Endowment (93912)

Applicants must meet the following criteria: 1) Overall minimum 2.50 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of application 2) Be enrolled in the College of Media & Entertainment with a declared major in Recording Industry 3) Financial need shall be a primary consideration in the awards process and the recipient must be eligible to receive need-based aid. Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide a resume and an essay (or cover letter) explaining how they are best qualified for this scholarship.

George, Cynthia, and Roxane Vernardakis Scholarship (93740)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Full-time student whose field of study is in the Department of Political & Global Affairs.
-Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
-The student must maintain a 3.0 grade point average or higher.
-First preference will be afforded to students with a public policy and management concentration.
-Second preference will be afforded to international students who are not United States citizens.

-It is the donor's intent to award an annual scholarship of approximately $2,000 to one student. If the endowment
earnings do not generate $2,000 to award; the scholarship should be awarded using available spendable earnings.

The recipient will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 


Glen P. Reeder/Phi Epsilon Kappa Honor (93510A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must have a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale or higher at the time the award is made.
-Must plan to pursue an undergraduate degree in Physical Education in the HHP Department at MTSU.
-Must exhibit good character.
-Must be a member of the PEK National Fraternity and PEK HHP Department local fraternity chapter.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Health/Human Performance Application. 

Glenn Warner Undergraduate Award (91443)

Scholarship for an average chemistry major based on need. Student must have completed 30 credit hours and have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Gloria L. Bonner Endowed Scholarship (93804)

To be eligible for this scholarship:
-Must be a Junior or Senior majoring in a program in the College of Education.
-Must be a Tennessee resident.
-Must have earned a GPA and/or ACT comparable to the Tennessee Lottery Scholarship Program requirements (minimum 3.00 GPA or 21 ACT (1060 SAT).
-Applicants must also be enrolled full-time.
-Must have financial need.
-Applicants must submit a statement explaining their involvement within their community as a volunteer, or when they made a time contribution to a charitable activity.
-Preference shall be given to applicants who are a first-generation college student from Rutherford County.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Graphic Arts Scholarship (92177)

To be used for Student Merit Scholarships in Graphics.

Greg K Thweatt Scholarship (93978)

Applicants must be a current MTSU who has earned more than 60 hours with a 2.50 college GPA. Financial Need will be considered when selecting applicant. Preference will be given to applicants who graduated from DeKalb County High School. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

H. Miller Lanier Memorial Scholarship (93538)

Recipient must be an Aerospace major of sophomore, junior, or senior classification.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Harold Spraker Graduate Award (92293)

Recipient should be a graduate teaching assistant in Mathematics each Spring semester. Must excel in both teaching and studies.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Mathematical Sciences Application. 

Harold Spraker Senior Mathematics Award (93131)

Recipient must be a graduating senior Mathematics major.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Harry E. Slater Memorial Scholarship (93167)

-Recipient shall be an Aerospace major completing their junior year at the time of selection.
-Recipient will be selected by proven academic ability, professional commitment, extracurricular activities, and moral character.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Harry Horne International Relations Scholarship (93166)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must have graduated from a Tennessee high school.
-Must be majoring in Political & Global Affairs at MTSU.
-Recipients shall have a 3.0 grade point average in high school or college work.
-If the recipient is an incoming freshman he or she must have scored a 25 or higher on the ACT.

Recipients will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Harry Nunn and Marie Gott Gannaway Nursing Scholarship (93102A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be majoring in the Department of Nursing.
-Recipient shall also have high moral character, high academic achievement, and potential for outstanding professional service.
-Preference given to student from Rutherford County.

Recipient will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Hawkins Endowed Scholarship Fund (93908)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Minimum 3.5 Grade Point Average, on a 4.0 scale, on their high school transcript.
-Minimum score of 27 on the ACT (or equivalent SAT score).
- Have demonstrated financial need as determined by the MTSU Office of Financial Aid
-Recipients must be enrolled as a full-time student in the Jones College of Business.

Recipients shall maintain the award for up to eight (8) semesters (fall and spring) by
maintaining full-time student status and a minimum GPA of 3.5, on a 4.0 scale, on all
completed coursework.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Application. 

Heather Uffelman Memorial Scholarship (93514)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Recipient must have scholastic achievement of 3.0 GPA or better.
-Must have financial need.
-Emphasis given to students majoring in English or Media Arts.
-Student must also be a first-time freshman.
-Candidates must complete an essay.

Recipients will be chosen by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Helen Miles Scholarship (93039A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients shall be nursing student.
-Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or better.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Helen S. Potts Scholarship Fund (93185)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Elementary or Special Education,
-Must be enrolled full-time,
-Must be a resident of Tennessee.
-Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
-Preference shall be given to applicants from Williamson County.
-The scholarship committee will consider an applicant's non-academic activity in determining their recipients.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Helen Suter Memorial Scholarship (93218)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who graduated from a Grundy County, TN high school. Applicants must exhibit good moral character. Preference given to students with financial need.

Recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Admissions Scholarship Committee.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Herman Eskew Award (93093)

This is a Journalism scholarship. This annual scholarship award shall be presented to the student who exhibits the most promise as an editor.

Herman Jackson Memorial Scholarship (L/P) (93149)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Hillary Scott Endowed Scholarship Fund (93974)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: Must be enrolled as a full-time student; demonstrate a professional attitude towards the music industry and specifically the business and legal area of the industry; demonstrate involvement with the activities of the Recording Industry Department programs while a student; show evidence of high intelligence as to decision making, academic information, and maturity in major and overall "fitness" for a music industry position; have a declared major within the Recording Industry Department in the College of Media and Entertainment; and maintain a grade point average of 3.0. Financial need, in the broadest sense, will be considered. *Each applicant must write an essay between 500 to 800 words to explain the applicant's intended career path in the entertainment industry, referencing any professional or personal accomplishments.* Preferred candidates will have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit, although candidates with fewer than 60 hours of credit may be considered, having demonstrated a strong desire to build a career in the entertainment industry. Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide a resume and an essay (or cover letter) explaining how they are best qualified for this scholarship.

Holocaust Studies Endowed Scholarship (93352)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

The scholarships may only be granted to outstanding students in the history of National Socialist Germany and/or the Holocaust based either upon their course work or research in the field (but with a preference to students who demonstrate high proficiency in both).
-The recipients may be either undergraduate or graduate students in the MTSU History Department.
-Must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.2 or greater on a 4.0 scale.

The recipients shall be selected by the History Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Application. 

Homer and Delia Snyder Scholarship (91333)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to be complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Homer Pittard Scholarship (93057)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Recipient must have a major in English or History.
should be classified as a junior or a senior.
and should have some interest or ability in creative writing.
Applicants who plan to certify to teach will be given special consideration.

Recipients will be chosen by the English-History-Liberal Arts Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Horace B. and Helen Weaks Reed Endowed Scholarship in Biology (93927)

-Applicants must be currently enrolled in and majoring in a program in the Department of Biology.
-Preference shall be given to students who are residents of the State of Tennessee.
-Students must meet eligibility requirements to receive financial aid, as defined by the University and the Tennessee Board of Regents.
-Students must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale or subsequent equivalent) to receive this award.
-Should the recipient fall below a 3.0 GPA during the period of their award, they will forfeit any unused portion of their award.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Horace G. Jones Scholarship (92965)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship:

-A student must be a junior or senior majoring in mathematics.
-The recipients shall have a grade point average of 3.0 or greater.
-Preference to students from Rutherford County, Tennessee or White County, Tennessee.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Mathematical Sciences Application.

Howard & Elizabeth Kirksey Memorial Scholarship (93095)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who was in the upper 10% of their graduating class, and have at least a 3.00 high school GPA. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarships, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

HPER Recreation Scholarship (92226A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

1. Recipient must be a currently enrolled full-time student at MTSU.
2. Recipient must have a declared major in Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Leisure and Sport Management, or Tourism and Hospitality within the department of Health & Human Performance.
3. Recipient must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
4. Have completed at least 45 hours of course work at MTSU at the time of award.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Health/Human Performance Application.

HPERS Chair Scholarship (92305A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be currently enrolled in MTSU and pursuing a degree in the department of Health & Human Performance.
-Undergraduate recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and have completed 60 hours of undergraduate course work at MTSU at the time of award.
-Graduate recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.5, have completed at least 24 hours at the graduate level at MTSU and be employed by MTSU.
-Applicant's involvement in professional/scholastic organizations and volunteer work may be considered.
-May provide work related experiences in their declared major, if applicable.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Health/Human Performance Application.

HR Management Enrichment Fund (91612)

To be eligible for consideration: 

-Must be majoring in Human Resource Management students in the JCOB.

Recipients will be chosen by the Management Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

IGNITE Enrichment Fund (91383)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a current member of the IGNITE program.
-Must be majoring in the Jones College of Business.
-Must be a senior or junior.
-Must be graduating during the current academic year or during the upcoming academic year.
-Applicants must write a brief essay that lists 3 IGNITE events that the student attended and what he/she learned from each event.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

INACTIVE Elizabeth Wright Award (93765A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Student must be enrolled and in good standing with the Psychology Department's graduate program.
-The student must have demonstrated perseverance in the face of adversity.
-Preference will be given to students with physical challenges and if no one is eligible then a financial adversity.
-Preference will also be given to a student whose future goals include community service.

The recipients shall be selected by the Social Professional Activities Committee.

INACTIVE I/O Psychology Scholars Fund Endowment (93371)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be enrolled full-time and be in good standing with the University.
• Be enrolled in the I/O Psychology Graduate Program or an Undergraduate I/O Psychology Major.
• Have an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 out of 4.0.

The recipients shall be selected by the Psychology Scholarship Committee.

Ivey Chance Memorial Scholarship (93044)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a junior (with a minimum of 68 semester hours of credit) or a senior (with a minimum of 90 semester hours of credit) business major.
-Recipient must have an overall average GPA of 3.00.
-Must have a GPA of 3.25 within the business major.
-Must have completed a minimum of 18 semester hours within the business major.
-Recipient must hold membership in a profession related organization and must have demonstrated leadership capabilities as evidenced by offices held within recognized university organizations.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the College of Business Scholarship Application. 

J. Gerald Parchment Graduate Scholarship (92584)

-Recipient shall be a Biology graduate student.
-Preference given to a graduate student in the fields of environmental science or anatomy.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

J.E. Wiser Graduate Scholarship (93048)

To be awarded to the outstanding graduate student. Academic work, teaching, and professionalism considered.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

J.T. Heames Senior Endowed Scholarship (93434)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship:

• Be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in the Jennings A. Jones College of Business.
• Have completed 90 credit hours by the time the scholarship begins.
• Maintain a cumulative 2.75 GP A on a 4.0 scale.
• Preference shall go to a non-traditional student, as defined by the University. At the time of establishment, this is defined as a student meeting one or more of the following criteria:
o 25 years of age or older or have a 5-year gap since their last enrollment in High School or college
o Employed full-time
o Serves in the role of spouse, domestic partner, parent, or care-taker.
o Veteran or Reservist of the Armed Forces.

Recipients will be chosen by the JCOB Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Jack Justin Turner Endowed Scholarship (93327)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants shall be majoring in Political Science at MTSU with a concentration in International Relations.
-The student shall be a junior or senior.
-Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent).
-Must be enrolled full-time.
-Scholarship can be renewed.

Recipients will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Jack McFarland Memorial Scholarship (L/P)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Jackie and George Law Endowed Scholarship (93380)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be in good academic standing with the University.
-Must have a minimum grade point of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale for incoming students and/or 3.50 on a 4.0 scale for returning students. 
-Students may be an incoming freshman or an upper-class student, enrolled in the Jennings A. Jones College of Business' Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program. 
-Financial need, as determined by the University, shall be part of the selection process. 
-Applicants shall be required to submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty member or employer. 
-Preference shall go to students from Rutherford County, TN, who are enrolled as full-time students at MTSU. 

The recipients shall be selected by the Entrepreneurship Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Management Application.

Jaidha Caprii Lindsay Scholarship (91663)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a full-time student admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75.
-First preference will be applicants from underrepresented student populations.  
-Scholarship will be distributed according to established University policies.

Recipients will be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee in consultation with the Director of the Center for Fairness, Justice, and Equity.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

James C. Douthit Scholarship in Business Administration Fund (93599)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be full-time student in the College of Business.
-Must be majoring in business administration.
-Must be a resident of Tennessee.
-Must have completed at least 55 credit hours (excluding developmental studies courses).
-Recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship during subsequent years.

Recipients will be chosen by the JCOB Business Administration Scholarship Committee

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Scholarship Application. 

James C. Hailey Endowed Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who graduated from a Rutherford County, TN high school in the top 25% of their class. Applicants must also demonstrate good moral character, demonstrate social & community service activities. Applicants must have financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Admissions Office.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

James Deavours Quasi Endowment Scholarship (93796A)

To be eligible for this scholarship: 

-Recipient must be a junior or senior student in the School of Nursing.

Recipient will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the School of Nursing Scholarship Application.

James E. Taylor History Scholarship (93846)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a History student.
-Preference shall be given to students attending MTSU who are citizens and residents of Rutherford County, TN.
-Must have a financial need for such scholarship.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the History Scholarship Application.

James L. and Josephine Hitt Scholarship (93736)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be pursuing a secondary education minor.
-Must be enrolled full-time.

Each scholarship is awarded in an amount up to full tuition for eight semesters, provided the recipient meets the requirements for continuation.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship application. 

James L. Gore Scholarship (93117)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a Sophomore, Junior or Senior.
-Must be majoring in a program that leads to licensure in Professional Education.
-Must have financial need.
-Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education scholarship committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

James N. Leonard History Scholarship (93109)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Student must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in History at MTSU.
Preference will be given to minority student.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

James R. and Betty Y. Scott Scholarship (91551)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a full-time student admitted to the Teacher Program in the College of Education.
-Must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
-Financial need as determined by the University should be considered.
-First preference will be for underrepresented minorities.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

James R. Arnhart Endowed Scholarship in Nursing (93712A)

To be eligible for this scholarship: 

-Applicants must be from Rutherford County.
-Must be accepted into the nursing program.
-Requires a minimum ACT score of 21.
-Must have minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent).
-Preference shall be given to students who, upon application of admission, have demonstrated experience in a health care position or with a health care provider in Rutherford County, and/or students who express a desire to remain in Rutherford County as a health care professional.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing Scholarship Application. 

James W. and Martha C. McClendon Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who is a resident of Williamson County, Tennessee. Applicants must also demonstrate participation in student leadership, athletic, and/or extracurricular activities, and have a minimum 3.00 high school GPA. Preference is given to students who live in Brentwood, TN. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

James Wallace (Wally) Sudduth Endowed Scholarship (93393)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:
  1. Be a full-time student majoring in History.
  2. Must have achieved junior or senior classification. Currently a minimum of 60 hours at the time of award.
  3. Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of application.
  4. Scholarship may be awarded to a student enrolled in a credit bearing internship or experiential learning activity.
  5. Financial need as defined by the University is required.
The recipients shall be selected by the History Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Application. 

Jane Duke Memorial Scholarship Fund (93562)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be a resident of the state of Tennessee.
-Must be a junior or senior majoring in Political Science.
-Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent).
-Must be enrolled as a full-time student.
-The student should be able to demonstrate financial need as determined by the office of Financial Aid.

Recipients will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Jane Nickell Taylor Scholarship Fund (93553)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a non-traditional student
-demonstrating financial need 
-2.75 GPA or better.
-Recipient shall be a senior or senior level who is attempting to reconstruct their life after an unhappy marriage, job, or other break in formal education and an individual who demonstrates reasonable qualities for success.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.

Jean Jack Aerospace Scholarship Fund

To be eligible:

-Candidates must be an Aerospace major with preferred emphasis in technology.
-Must be sophomore, junior, or senior classification.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Jeff Creek Memorial Scholarship (93355)

To be awarded by the Chemistry Department.

Recipients must: 
Have completed 30 hours of university academic credit.
Have an overall minimum 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
Preference given to first generation students and students who are single parents.

The recipients shall be selected by the Chemistry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Scholarship Application

Jeff McCrudden Aviation Scholarship

-Candidates must be Aerospace majors in good standing with a professional pilot concentration and currently enrolled in AERO 3203 - Professional Pilot Flight Lab II.
-Candidates must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA and be recommended by an MTSU flight instructor.
-The application for the scholarship must include clearly stated career goals, qualifications, and aspirations.
-Only those that seek a career as a professional pilot will be considered.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Jeremy Rolfs Memorial Scholarship (92829)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Must be junior or senior status.
-Must have a 2.8 GPA or higher.
-Must have experience on or off campus in Radio, TV, or Photography and be active in the previously mentioned activities.

The recipients shall be selected by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Application.

Jerry & Nancy Allen Scholarship

Applicants must be a full-time student who is considered a non-traditional student by MTSU definition. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.75. Per donor, preference will be given to Military Veterans. MTSU's definition of a Non-Traditional student is a student who is over age 25 at the point of attending college OR a student of any age who bears adult responsibilities.

Recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Jerry and Veronica Wauford Scholarship (L/P)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Jesse L. Smith Mathematics Scholarship (93097)

-Recipient must be a mathematics major.
-Junior standing.
-Have upper-division form filed with an education minor and an intention to teach mathematics.
-Have a 3.2 GPA overall with a 3.5 GPA in major.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Jim & Lucinda Lea Math Endowed Scholarship (93849)

-Applicants must be enrolled as a full time (12 hours or more).
-Accepted or enrolled in the MTSU Mathematical Sciences Department and majoring in mathematics.
-Recipients shall have a 3.0 grade point average or greater based upon a 4.0 scale.
-Have reached junior status.
-First preference shall be given to students choosing the advanced mathematics track.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Mathematical Sciences Application. 

Jim and Ann Free Endowed Scholarship in Music Business (93762)

Applicants must have attained junior status and be currently enrolled in the College of Media and Entertainment, with a declared field of study in Music Business. Students must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale or subsequent equivalent) to receive this award.

Jim Gaines Outstanding Senior @ Dobyns-Bennett HS Annual Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming Freshman starting in either the Summer or Fall semester who graduated from Dobyns-Bennett High School in Tennessee. Applicants must have a minimum 3.20 GPA & demonstrate financial need. In addition, applicants must demonstrate participation in school & community activities

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Jim Price Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

-Recipient will be an Aerospace major
-with 3.2 GPA and
-emphasis on students seeking a career as a professional aviator/aviatrix.
-This award is for those students needing extra aid for flight training.
-Applicants must write a paper on "Why I Have Chosen a Career in Aviation."

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Jim Ridley Memorial Scholarship (93957)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: Overall minimum 3.0 grade point, declared MAJOR in the School of Journalism in the College of Media and Entertainment, and financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered. Preferred candidates will have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit, although candidates with fewer than 60 hours of credit may be considered, having demonstrated a strong desire to build a career as a journalist. Each candidate must write an essay between 500 to 800 words to explain the candidate's intended career path as a journalist, referencing any professional or personal accomplishments that would be of interest to the Ridley family and the scholarship selection committee. The candidate should demonstrate an understanding and passion for freedom of the press and integrity in journalism and a sincere interest in pursuing a meaningful career path as a journalist.

Jim Zumpano Recording Scholarship (92961)

Eligible scholarship applicants must be classified as a junior or senior, be a Recording Industry major with a concentration in Production/Technology, have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.

Joan Nickell Bailey Scholarship Fund (93583)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a junior or senior.
-Must be an Elementary Education major.
-Must have financial need.
-Must have a 3.0 overall grade point.
-wants to teach 5-6 grade.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Joann Arnold Memorial Scholarship (93140)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be a resident of Rutherford or Cannon Counties.
-Preference shall be given to pre-law students but will not be limited to political science majors.

Recipients will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Joe and Brenda Steakley Scholarship (91607)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Must be full-time students majoring in Religious Studies.
• First preference given to students who have completed at least 30 credit hours.
• Must have an interest in pursuing a career in anything that would be deemed a ministry field such as non-profit work, prison ministry, religious ministry, fundraising organizations, overseas missions etc.
• Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.
• First preference given to a student with a 3.0 grade point average or higher.

The recipients shall be selected by the Philosophy & Religious Studies Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to be complete the General Scholarship Application and the Philosophy & Religious Studies Application.

Joe and Lori Warise Education Scholarship (91562)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Must be full-time undergraduate student in the College of Education.
-Must have been admitted to Teacher Education.
-Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
-Recipient must maintain an overall 3.0 GPA or higher.
-Preference given to a first-generation college student or a non-traditional student (defined as older than traditional age 18-22 or returning to school after some work experience).
-Preference will also be given to a student planning to teach in a STEM curriculum.

Recipient will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Joe B. Jackson Endowed Scholarship (93838)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a junior or senior with a major housed in the Jennings A. Jones College of Business.
-Recipients shall have a 3.0 grade point average or greater.
-Must demonstrate financial need.
-Recipients must have graduated from a high school located in Rutherford County.

Recipient will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the College of Business Scholarship Application. 

Joe C. Luttrell Memorial Scholarship in Aerospace

Candidates must be enrolled in the Professional Pilot program and eligible for flight training courses in the upcoming semester.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

John & Barbara Ellington Aerospace Endowment

Applicants shall be an Aerospace major enrolled full-time at MTSU with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Preference will be given to students with financial need.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

John A. Patten Scholarship (93042)

-To be awarded to a biology major of
-sophomore or above standing for support of summer study. 
-Award is approved for undergraduate and graduate students.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

John Floyd Endowed Scholarship (93940)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, John Floyd Scholars must meet the following criteria:

-Be admitted to and enrolled in MTSU and the Center for Student Coaching and Success
-Satisfactorily show progress towards completing all requirements or complete all requirements of the Center for Student Coaching and Success Program.
-Funds to be used to support the John Floyd Endowed Scholarship at the discretion of the Director of the Center for Student Coaching and Success.

To apply, complete the General Scholarship Application & the College of Behavioral & Health Sciences Scholarship Application--

John Harris Endowed Scholarship Fund (93874)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: Be registered with the Office of Disabled Student Services and actively utilizing its services; have an overall minimum 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale; be in good academic standing with the University; and, have achieved at least sophomore status or higher.

John Mayfield Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must be a resident of Cheatham County, TN. Applicants must also have at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA and exhibit financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application

John S. Kleban Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester, be a graduate of a middle Tennessee high school, have a declared major in the College of Business, and have a 3.00 high school GPA. Preference for this scholarship will be given to students from Williamson County who are the dependent of an employee of Vought Aircraft Industries. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarships, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application AND Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

John Seigenthaler Chair - Scholarship Fund (93160)

To provide scholarships for outstanding journalism students.

John T. Bragg Sr. Scholarship (93666)

Applicants must be admitted to MTSU as a New Incoming Freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester. Applicants must have graduated high school from 1 of the following counties in Tennessee: Bedford, Cannon, Coffee, Davidson, Rutherford, or Wilson. Also applicants need to have financial need as determined by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. Applicant must plan to enroll full-time each Fall & Spring semester in order to receive scholarship. Scholarship is renewable for up to 8 semesters, provided recipient continues to have financial need & is enrolled full-time.

Recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Admissions Scholarship Committee.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

John Woodfin Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must be a resident of Rutherford County, TN.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Jones College of Business Dean's Scholarship Fund (92778)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

To be given at the discretion of the Dean of JCOB.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the College of Business Scholarship Application. 

Joseph & Florence Jones Scholarship

To be considered for the Joseph & Florence Jones Scholarship, applicants must be a current MTSU student who is in good standing with the university, and has financial need. Recipient must use scholarship funds for living expenses & tuition costs. Recipients must work in exchange for the scholarship (Work study).

Recipients will be selected by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

Joshua Edgar Huffman Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need, leadership and community service. Preference will be given to a minority student from Bedford County, TN. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Journalism Scholarship Fund (92774)

Recipient will be a journalism major classified as a junior or senior.

Journey Home Scholarship (91588)

Scholarship for a student in good standing who is a Recording Industry Department major AND a veteran.

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry General Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Recording Industry Application. 

Judy Turner Goodwin Scholarship (91600)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be majoring in Elementary Education, Special Education, or Early Childhood Education. 
-Applicants may be enrolled in full-time (12+hours) or part-time (6-11 hours) coursework. 
-Recipients must also be admitted to the Teacher Education Program in College of Education. 
-Must have minimum grade point average of 2.75. 
-Financial need, as determined by the university, should be considered.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Jug Landers Government Scholarship

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants must an incoming Freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who graduated from a Tennessee high school. Participation in government is not a requirement of this scholarship. Preference shall be given to applicants who express an interest in government.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid Office.

To be considered BOTH the General Scholarship application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship application need to be submitted. 

Justin Adam Hugh Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming Freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with a minimum high school GPA of 2.50. Applicants must be enrolled full-time & demonstrate financial need. Donor's preference shall be first given to graduates of Riverdale High School or Blackman High School in Murfreesboro, TN; secondly to graduates of a Rutherford County high school; thirdly to .applicants who are a twin, multiple or have siblings enrolled in college.

Recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Admissions Office.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application & the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.

Karla Winfrey Broadcast Journalism Scholarship (92323)

Recipient must be an African-American, have a GPA of at least 2.7, must have worked on high school yearbook or newspaper, and must be involved with campus radio or television stations.

Keith Carlson Professional Counseling Endowed Scholarship (93794)

Applicants must be a graduate student in the field of Professional Counseling and have a minimum grade point average of 3.5. The candidate must submit a curriculum vita, graduate transcript, and letter of interest stating his or her qualifications. To be eligible students must have completed a minimum of one semester of coursework in the Professional Counseling Program at the time of application.

Kelli Aspinwall Pi Mu Epsilon Scholarship Award (93671)

Recipient will be a Murfreesboro Oakland High School senior with outstanding academic background who plans to attend MTSU. Preference will be given to a senior cheerleader.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Ken Shipp Scholarship (93816)

Applicants must have graduated from a Rutherford County, TN public high school. At the point of consideration applicants must also be eligible for need-based Title IV Federal Financial Aid and meet the minimum requirements to be eligible for the Tennessee HOPE Lottery Scholarship (21 ACT composite [1060 SAT] or a 3.00 high school GPA). Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Kenneth Toney - Kool Club Scholarship (93054)

This scholarship is a minority scholarship which is sponsored by the Kool Club of MTSU. Applicants must be an incoming freshman and must submit a statement of 300 words or less explaining why they feel they deserve this scholarship. Recipients will become honorary Kool Club members.

Kevin Neal - IEBA Educational Outreach Fund (93272)

Candidates must be enrolled as a full­-time student in an academic concentration in the Recording Industry major and seeking a business career in the live entertainment industry.

Kimberly Upchurch Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming Freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester. Applicants must have graduated from Alvin C. York Institute in Fentress County, TN. In addition, applicants must demonstrate strong moral character, dedication to studies, participation in extracurricular activities & leadership, and academic ability (minimum B+ average or 3.30 cumulative GPA).

Recipients shall be selected by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office Committee.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Kiyoshi Kawahito Scholarship Endowment (93821) CLA

Recipient must have a 2.75 GPA and have completed at least two Japanese language course before making a study abroad trip or exchange. Financial need, in the broadest sense, is required. Preferences will be given to students participating in one of the following exchange programs: Saitama University, Kansai Gadai University, Seinan Gakuin University, Nagoya Gakuin University, Reitaku University, or Fukushima University. 

To apply for this scholarship, applicants need to submit both the General Scholarship Application AND the Kiyoshi Kawahito Scholarship Application.

L/P Drs. Creighton & Elizabeth Rhea II (93601)

Recipient must be either a pre-med, pre-health care professional, or science major. The recipient must be a full-time student, maintain an active participation in University activities, and maintain a 2.8 GPA to remain eligible for this award.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application, the CBAS Scholarship Application, and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.

L/P Drs. Elizabeth & Creighton Rhea Endowed Scholarship III (93699)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman who will be starting in the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with a minimum 25 ACT composite score AND minimum 2.8 high school GPA. Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student & a Pre-Med, a Pre-Health Care Professional, or a science major student.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application, the CBAS Scholarship Application, and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 


L/P Drs. Elizabeth & Creighton Rhea Scholarship I (93241)

Recipient must be a full-time student and must be a pre-med, pre-health care professional, or science major. Student must maintain a 2.8 GPA to be eligible for this award.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application, the CBAS Scholarship Application, and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

L/P Grady R. Haynes Scholarship (93622)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be studying in the College of Business.
-Must be a Rutherford County high school graduate.
-Must be a resident.
-Must have a GPA of at least 2.5.

The recipient will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

L/P Virginia G. McCullough Pre-Med Scholarship (93596)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman who will be starting in the upcoming Summer or Fall semester. Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student & must be enrolling in the MTSU Pre-Medical program.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application, the CBAS Scholarship Application, and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

L/P Womack Scholarship Fund (93195)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete General Scholarship Application. 


La Comunidad Achievement Scholarship (91488)

Recipient must be a member of the MTSU La Comunidad program.

Lambda Scholarship (93658)

Recipient must be a member of Lambda with a 2.5 grade point average minimum. Recipients must also write an essay of 1000 words to be judged by Lambda organization officers.

LaRoche-Murray Endowed Scholarship (93729)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must have been accepted into the School of Nursing program.
-Must be enrolled as a full-time student at MTSU.
-The student should be from Rutherford County Tennessee.
-Must be able to demonstrate a financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.

-Each scholarship is renewable for up to 8 semesters.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing Scholarship Application. 

Larry & Lyndia McGee Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund (91306)

To be eligible, candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Be in good academic standing in the School of Nursing and beginning their final semester of study.
-Submit a personal video (no more than 5 minutes) describing their commitment to the field of nursing, how the scholarship will assist them and who they are as an individual outside the nursing program.
-Submit a letter of recommendation from a professor in the School of Nursing.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing Application. 

Larry G. Trail Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must be a resident of either Cannon or Rutherford County, TN. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Larry L. Burriss Freedom of Expression Scholarship (93407)

Scholarship Guidelines:

2.    To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:
•Have an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
•Have declared a MAJOR OR MINOR in Journalism with an interest in news and public policy. Interest in working in newspaper, magazine, broadcast news or other online news reporting entities related to freedom of the press and debate on public policy
(excluding personal blogs, etc.).
•The recipient must have completed 30 collegiate hours and submit a portfolio of a minimum of 5 published news stories or broadcasts gathered over their journalistic education and career (Sidelines, Channel 10, or other actual news entities) related to freedom of expression and/ or other public affairs stories.
•Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
•If a recipient fails to maintain the required level of academic performance or changes to a major/minor outside those specified, they shall forfeit any unpaid balance of their award.
3. Each scholarship is for one academic year. Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship during subsequent years. Should a recipient become ineligible, a new recipient may be named using the criteria stated above.

Larry Morris Outstanding Senior in Psychology Award (93799)

Applicants must be a psychology major with a minimum overall grade point average of 3.75. Applicants that meet this criterion will also need to provide the following additional information: 
  • copy of their academic transcript
  • A curriculum vitae or resume that outlines educational experiences and achievements, research activities, previous awards/honors, public service, and publications/presentations
  • A short personal statement that discusses accomplishments, career goals, and how the information learned within their Psychology courses will aid in those career goals
The recipients shall be selected by the Social Professional Activities Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Psychology Application. 

Larry W. Hazelwood Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who graduated from Mount Juliet High School in Mount Juliet, TN. Applicants must be deserving students who show an interest in computer science.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Admissions Office.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Leniel Edwards Endowed Scholarship in Library Science (93335)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Scholarship recipients must have been admitted to the Master of Library Science Program in the College of Education.
• Financial need, as determined by the university, will be considered.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students will complete the General Scholarship Application.

Leon H. Lee Endowed Scholarship in English Studies (93372)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be pursuing a degree in English.
-Students must meet eligibility requirements to receive need-based financial aid, as defined by the University and any applicable federal laws or policies.
-Preference: Students with an interest in the history and works of William Faulkner.
-Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale.

The recipients shall be selected by the English - Gardner/Vaughan/Beasley/Brown Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.


Leona Drake HPERS Scholarship (93101)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a Health/Human Performance major.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Leona Drake Mathematics Scholarship (93020)

Recipient must be a mathematics major.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Les Jameson Memorial Scholarship Fund (93590)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Students enrolled in the College of Media & Entertainment who are majoring in Media Arts and have a special interest in radio.

The recipients shall be selected by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Application.

Lester E. Carver Memorial Quasi-Endowment (93805)

Applicants must be an Incoming freshmen, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University. Preference shall be given to applicants who exhibit high academic achievement and/or financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

LINCS - BCBS Front Line Social Work Scholarship (91672)

BCBS will provide $10,000 to MTSU Foundation to be used for scholarships each year on July 1, for 3 consecutive years. They will assist with messaging and promotion of the program. They will create and facilitate a monthly webinar for students enrolled, serving as professional development.

-Student applicants will provide certification showing that they have worked for at least one academic year (8 months) as a direct care professional in a TennCare/DIDD program. 
-MTSU will award a scholarship(s) to high school senior(s), incoming freshmen, and or upperclassmen who have worked as a direct care professional with a TennCare or Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD) Program. 

Participants may be listed as BlueCross Blue Shield, BlueCare Tennessee, Volunteer State Health Plan. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application & the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.

Locally Owned Murfreesboro Fund (91474)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Must have an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
-Must have earned at least 60 credit hours toward an undergraduate degree.
-Must be a graduate of a Rutherford County high school.
-Must have declared a major in the Jones College of Business and be enrolled in the Entrepreneurship Program within the Department of Management.

Recipients will be chosen by the Entrepreneurship Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Lois and Joe White Smith Scholarship (L/P) (93593)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Lorenzo D. Grant Memorial Annual Scholarship

Recipient shall:
-Be accepted or enrolled full time (12 hours or more) into Aerospace Department.
-Be a Junior or Senior in good standing.
-Possess 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
-Preference will be given to student with financial need.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Louise Long Schaerer Scholarship (93360)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A. Be a graduate of a high school in Grundy County, Tennessee.
B. Scholarship recipients must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
C. Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
D. Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
E. When no candidate from Grundy County is present, preference will also be afforded to students having graduated from a high school in Coffee, Franklin, Marion, Sequatchie, or Warren counties.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application.


Louise M. Bastedo Endowed Scholarship (93973)

To be eligible for consideration:

Applicants must be majoring in a College of Education major.
-Applicant must have financial need and have a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA.
-Preference shall be given to students who have been accepted into the Teacher Education Program at MTSU.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Lucy Dye Scholarship Endowment Fund (93730A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a junior or senior currently enrolled at MTSU in the Human Sciences Department.
-Have an overall 3.0 grade point average or higher.
-Minimum of 12 semester hours.
-Indicate plans to graduate with a major in Human Sciences.
-Recipient must be a U.S. citizen.
-Recipient must also be from one of the following countries in Tennessee: Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Lewis, Maury, Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, or Wilson.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Human Sciences Scholarship Application. 

M.G. and Lillie Potts Thompson Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University. Preference will be given to descendants of M.G. and Lillie Potts Thompson. If no applicants meet this preference, consideration will be given to applicants that demonstrate financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application AND the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Major General Frederick Forster Memorial Annual Scholarship

Recipients shall:
-be accepted or enrolled full-time (12 hours or more) into Aerospace Department.
-Be a Junior or Senior in good standing.
-Possess a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
-Preference will be given to student with financial need.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Margaret Putman Scholarship (93136A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients should be Human Sciences/Home Economics major, which includes Family & Consumer Studies (Child Development or Family Studies), Interior Design, Nutrition & Food Science (Dietetics, Family & Consumer Science Education, Food Industry, Nutrition & Wellness), and Textiles/Merchandising/Design (Apparel Design & Fashion Merchandising.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Human Sciences Scholarship Application. 


Margaret Scott Smith Return for STEM Scholarships (93390)

The scholarship shall be administered in accordance with the following guidelines:

1.    The number and amount of the scholarships to be awarded shall be determined by the Dean of the College of Basic and Applied Sciences and shall be limited to the funds available in the spendable account consistent with scholarship award guidelines. Each recipient shall be selected by the Dean of the College of Basic and Applied Sciences. The amount of each scholarship shall be disbursed at regular intervals during the school year in accordance with normal university policies.
2.    To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

•    Have a 3 or more-year gap between last university course or credit
•    Have declared a MAJOR OR MINOR in a department within the College of Basic and Applied Sciences.
•    Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
•    If a recipient fails to maintain the required level of academic performance or changes to a major/minor outside those specified, they shall forfeit any unpaid balance of their award
•    Preference given to a spouse of serving military or spouse of an honorably discharged veteran

3.    Each scholarship is for one academic year. Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship during subsequent years. Should a recipient become ineligible, a new recipient may be named using the criteria stated above.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Basic & Applied Sciences Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Basic & Applied Sciences Application.


Marge Boutwell Scholarship (93017)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Applicants must be a Junior.
-Must be majoring in Early Childhood Education (Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade) or Interdisciplinary Studies (Kindergarten through 6th grade).
-Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
-Preference shall be given to students with the highest GPA.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Marguerite Odil Thackston Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU students for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University. Applicants must also have at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA. Preference given to students nearing graduation (over 60 earned hours)

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Marian Lisenbee Clark Social Work Scholarship (93605A)

To be eligible for this scholarship: 

-Must be a Social Work major.
- Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
-Must have earned 60 hours or more (undergrad).
-Financial need should be considered.
-Must be in good standing with the Social Work dept.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application & the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.

Mark A Pirtle Endowed Scholarship (93422)

Applicants must be admitted/enrolled full time at MTSU, have at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA, and have financial need. Preference shall be given first to students who are past participants in the Boys & Girls Club of Rutherford County, then preference given to any student who is a part participant in a Boys & Girls Club, then preference given to incoming freshman. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Mark and Sheila King Scholarship - Business (93928)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Business.
-Must have full-time status.
-Must have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
-Must be a Tennessee resident.
-Must demonstrate financial need, in the broadest sense, as determined by the awarding Scholarship Committee. -Preference will be given to students who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to developing leadership, life skills, and industry experience outside the classroom. 

The recipient will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the College of Business Scholarship Application. 


Mark and Sheila King Scholarship-Aerospace

-Applicants must be a declared Aerospace major.
-Enrolled full-time.
-Overall 3.00 GPA.
-Tennessee resident.
-demonstrate financial need. 

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Martin Luther King New MTSU Scholarship (92643)

Recipient shall be a minority undergraduate or graduate student, preferably African-American but not required. Recipient must be in good academic standing by University requirements. Special talents, abilities, experiences, need, and recommendations of the applicant shall be considered.

Mary "Beanie" Secrest Endowed Scholarship (93976)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A.    Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
B.    Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of application.

Each scholarship is for one academic year. Prior recipients are not disqualified from consideration for this scholarship during subsequent years. Should a recipient become ineligible, any remaining scholarship award will be forfeited, and a new recipient may be named using the criteria stated above.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee


Mary and Delmar Pockat Scholarship (93200)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Applicants must be an undergraduate student in the Professional Education program.
-Applicant must demonstrate love for children and have pride & respect for the profession of teaching.
-Applicants must be planning a career in public school teaching.
-Must have minimum 3.25 GPA.
-Preference shall be given to applicants who are majoring in Science Education.

The recipients shall be selected under the direction of the Dean of the College of Education with assistance from the department.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Mary Belle Robinson Endowed Scholarship (93800)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Applicants must be Junior or Senior.
-Must be majoring in Elementary Education or Interdisciplinary Studies.
-Applicant must be enrolled full-time.
-Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50.
-Must have financial need.
-Must have graduated from a public high school in Bedford, Coffee, Marshall, Rutherford or Wilson County in Tennessee.

Each scholarship is awarded for 1 academic year. The scholarship is renewable, provided the recipient meets the requirements for continuation.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.
To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Mary C. Dunn Graduate Scholarship (93121)

To be awarded to a Biology graduate student who is completing biology graduate level research.

Amendment Approved by Foundation Board 2/20/2018
Use of spendable earnings include the following: Summer stipends for students in research; academic year stipends or grants for research projects by graduate or undergraduate students; registration or travel expenses to attend approved conferences; travel for research purposes; materials or supplies needed by students for research.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Mary C. Dunn Quasi-Endowment (93956)

To provide scholarships for students majoring in Biology.

Expenditures from earnings or the principal of this quasi-endowment are restricted for use by the Department of Biology in the College of Basic and Applied Sciences to provide scholarships for students majoring in Biology. The Scholarship Committee of the Department of Biology will select recipients annually, and scholarships will be awarded in accordance with established University policies and procedures.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Mary Calkin Scholarship (93332)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
• Have been admitted into the Teacher Education Program.
• Have a minimum grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
• Have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit by the time the scholarship is received.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.

Mary F. Betts Scholarship (93143)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Applicants must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student pursing a professional career in Education.
-Must be in good standing with the University.
-Must have financial need.
-Must maintain a GPA acceptable to the Committee on Admission to Teacher Education (minimum 2.75 GPA based on at least 45 hours).
-Preference shall be given to applicants from Stewart or Montgomery County.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Mary Iles Nursing Scholarship (93208A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a major within the School of Nursing.
-Must show financial need.
-Must show good moral character.
-Must carry at least 75% of the usual full-time class load.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the School of Nursing Scholarship Application. 

Mary Neal Alexander Scholarship (93839A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be an incoming freshman.
-Must have a minimum ACT score of 25.
-Must have a GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent).
-Must be enrolled as a full-time student.
-Must have graduated from a Tennessee High School and demonstrated involvement in community or church.
-Recipient must be a Human Sciences major.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Human Sciences Scholarship Application. 

Mary R. Hoover Endowed Scholarship (93722)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Mary Tom Berry Scholarship (93544)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Applicants must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a major designed for Primary Education (Pre-Kindergarten - 3rd grade or Kindergarten - 6th grade) or the teaching of Reading.
-Undergraduate student must have 2.5 GPA.
-Graduate student must have 3.0 GPA.
-Applicant must demonstrate competency in oral and written language skills, and a commitment to academic excellence.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Mary W. & Chester R. Martin Graduate Scholarship (93129)

An applicant must be a native Tennessean or Kentuckian, have graduated from an accredited, undergraduate institution with a minimum of 3.5 overall average, become a first-semester, full time graduate student enrolling in at least 9 hours. Applicant must have completed all admission requirements as stated in the current graduate catalog, be accepted into a degree program by both the department and the College of Graduate Studies, and have on file in the Graduate Office an approved candidacy form. Applicant must provide 3 letters of reference.

Math Faculty/Alumni Award (93033)

-Recipients must be a mathematics or computer science major.
-Has completed 60 semester hours of college work plus two semesters of calculus courses or two advanced courses in mathematics or computer science at MTSU.
-Must have two semesters as a full-time student at MTSU.
-Must be a full-time student with at least 12 semester hours at the time the award is given.
-Must have a minimum 3.2 GPA overall, and a 3.5 GPA in mathematics and computer science.
-The applicant must write a written report with evidence establishing financial need for the scholarship committee.

To apply, the student must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Mathematical Sciences Application. 

Matthew Holt Memorial Scholarship Endowment

-Applicants shall have a declared major in the Aerospace Department.
-Students must have a 2.75 GPA at the time of the award selection to be eligible and maintain this minimum during the period of this award.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Maureen Tarascio Childcare Fund (91670)

To be eligible for consideration for this support stipend, candidates must meet the following criteria:
•    Have declared a MAJOR in Aerospace.
•    Financial need, as determined by the University, is preferred.
•    Preferences given to Underrepresented students & single parents with childcare needs.

Each support stipend is for two students for $4,000 each.  Should a recipient become ineligible, a new recipient may be named using the criteria stated above. 

The recipients shall be selected by the Aerospace Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to be complete the General Scholarship Application, the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application, and the Aerospace Application.

Maury County Alumni Scholarship (92281)

-A full-time undergraduate student at M.T.S.U.
-Must have graduated high school with 3.0 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) or better or have a 3.0     cumulative grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) or better, at Columbia State Community College.
-Shall be a resident of Maury County, Tennessee. 
-Shall have some degree of financial need.

Applicant must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Alumni Application.

May Dean Eberling Education Scholarship (91542)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: Have been accepted into the Teacher Education program, be in good academic standing with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0, and financial need, as defined by the University, must be considered.

May Dean Eberling Public History Scholarship (91543)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Undergraduate applicants must have completed 60 credit hours, must have completed either HIST 3011 or HIST 3010, and must have completed at least one additional course in public history.
-Financial need as defined by the University and Federal regulations is required
-Preference is given to students who include a personal statement on what Public History means to them.
• Preference is given to students who intend to pursue graduate study in public history.
• Graduate applicants must be pursuing a master's degree in public history or a Ph.D. in Public History.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Scholarship Application.


McCamish Family Endowed Scholarship (93317)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:
a. Admitted to the pre-dentistry program.
b. Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
c. Financial need, as determined by the University, is required

To apply for this scholarship, student must complete the General Scholarship Application.

McMillan/Neal Scholarship

Applicants must be a graduate of Bradley Central High School or Cleveland High School in TN. Applicants must be a full-time student in good standing with MTSU and have at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to student who are first generation college students.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

Media Arts Scholarship (93157)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Must have passed a minimum of 60 college level credit hours (prior to application).
-Must have a GPA of at least 2.8 overall (on a 4.0 system).
-Must be majoring in Media Arts.
-Must be a citizen of the United States.
-Must have previous radio, television, or media photography experience (can be on or off campus type) and/or the student must be actively involved in radio, television, or media photography at the time of application and remain active in such during the scholarship period.
-Preference for a Tennessee resident can be considered in a "tie-breaker" situation.

The recipients shall be selected by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Application.

Megan Carter - Alpha Delta Pi - Epsilon Tau Chapter Scholarship (93719)

Applicants must be an Alpha Delta Pi Sorority member, Epsilon Tau Chapter or affiliate at MTSU. The applicant must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00. Consideration will be given to applicants who exhibit leadership qualities and demonstrate financial need. Preference shall be given to applicants who are a Junior or Senior undergraduate student enrolled full-time or to a graduate student enrolled in at least 6 hours.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

The recipients shall be selected by the Epsilon Tau Chapter of the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.

Melinda & Miles Tate Scholarship

Applicants must be a full-time student who is a graduate of a Rutherford County high school who has earned at least 60 hours with a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need & community service. Preference given to applicants who are or have been married AND have at least 1 child.

The recipients will be selected by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority Endowed Scholarship Fund (93573)

-Applicants shall be enrolled in the Aerospace program with a concentration in Aerospace Administration and must     be in good standing with a grade point average of 3.2 or greater.
-Students must be at junior or senior level status.
-Students should submit information on community involvement in an essay format. Included in this essay should   be:  -Why this scholarship would help you in your chosen field.
        -A demonstration of your community service
        -Your career goals
       -Why you have chosen this field.

Applicants must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application.

Michael E. Hutton Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 3.00 GPA or minimum 21 ACT composite score (or 1060 SAT). Applicant must also be a graduate of Warren County High School in Warren County, TN.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Michael H. Peters Supply Chain Management Scholarship (92914)

Applicants must be full-time students of the College of Business, majoring in management with an emphasis in supply chain management, and should be residents of Tennessee. Must have completed 55 credit hours with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Should be able to demonstrate personal and professional competencies that reflect leadership abilities for a career in production/operations management. Must show financial need as defined by the MTSU Financial Aid Office.

Michael J. Kettenring Scholarship (93197)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Rising junior or first semester senior.
-Majoring in Media Arts.
-Active participation in campus media.
-At least a 3.0 overall GPA.

The recipients shall be selected by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Application.

Middle Tennessee Administrative Professionals Endowed Scholarship (93125)

Employee organization

Middle Tennessee Medical Center Scholarship (92070)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients are required to sign contract with MTMC.
-Must be in their final two semesters of Nursing program.
-Recipient agrees to employment at MTMC after graduation.
-Must have minimum 2.25 GPA.
-Preference given to current employees of MTMC.
-Preference given to Rutherford County residents.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing scholarship application. 

Miller Harris Scholarship (93683)

Recipient will be a Recording Industry Major, with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide a resume and an essay (or cover letter) explaining how they are best qualified for this scholarship.

Miss Mary Hall Scholarship (93035)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Applicants must be majoring in Education and intend to teach.

The recipients shall be selected by the chair of the Elementary and Special Education Department and by the Dean of the College of Education.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Mitch Wilson Memorial Annual Scholarship in Aerospace

Recipients must meet the following criteria:
-An incoming freshman majoring in Aerospace.
-Must be eligible for the Tennessee Hope Scholarship.
-First preference to graduates of Springfield High School.
-Second preference to graduates of other Robertson County high schools; or If no candidates from these high schools are qualified, then all other candidates may be considered.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Molly Jones Estate (93036)

Recipient shall be a minority student.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Licker and Family Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with an ACT composite score of at least 25 (1200 SAT), and a high school GPA of at least 2.80. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Mrs. H. Russell (Winnie Walton) Mabry Scholarship (93247A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a Junior or Senior Nursing student accepted into the curriculum (passed all pre-requisites with C, GPA 2.5, scored favorably on nursing entrance exam).
-Preference given to student from Lawrence County or any rural middle-TN county.

Recipient will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

MT Diversity Scholarship

Applicants must be a current MTSU student (sophomore, junior, or senior) with at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA, and meet the University's definition of diversity.  Applicants must also demonstrate financial need, be pursing 1st undergraduate degree, must be in good standing for the purpose of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), & must be a US citizen or permanent resident. 

Diversity may include, but is not limited to, the following: disability status, first-generation college students, gender identity/expression, non-traditional students, personal hardships, sexual orientation, special gifts or talents, and veteran status.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to be complete the General Scholarship Application. 

MT Engage Scholarship (93298)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:
currently enrolled at MTSU with good academic standing;
have an overall GPA of 2.75;
have successfully completed at least one MT Engage course section; and complete and submit for review an ePortfolio presentation using the MT Engage template.
To be eligible applicants must have completed at least 60 hours but no more than 75 hours of course credit by either: Completing the 60th hour in the fall semester immediately before the application period _*or*_ are enrolled in the 60th hour in the spring semester of the application period.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Application and the MT Engage Scholarship Application.

MTE Spark Awards (91700)

The fund shall be administered in accordance with the following guidelines:

1. The selection of the honorees and distribution of awards shall be determined by the Dean of the College of Education
or his/her designee.
2. Preference shall be given to students who have expressed desire to teach in MTE service areas, defined as Cannon,
Rutherford, Williamson, and Wilson counties.
3. Award funding will be allocated to recipients as follows:

-$10,000 is available for awards annually in FY25, FY26, FY27, and FY28.
-Two (2) $2,500 awards OR one (1) $5,000 award will be presented to Fall and Spring semester graduates.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.

MTSU Foundation Graduate Scholarship Quasi-Endowment

Applicants must: Graduate from MTSU and be seeking a graduate degree from MTSU; have attained and graduated with an overall grade point average of 3.5 or greater; and submit a letter to the Graduate Studies Scholarship Committee stating his or her career intent and a short statement of financial need. Preference shall be given to students who have participated in the Senior Gift program before obtaining their undergraduate degree from MTSU.

MTSU MBA Association Scholarship Fund (92417)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Award applies to graduate students in College of Business.

The recipient will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

MTSU Recording Industry ARMS Scholarship (93526)

The scholarship will be given to a qualified Recording Industry student.

MTSU Scholarship

Applicants must graduate from a high school and reside within the geographical area at the time of the award. Recipients must meet guaranteed admission requirements set by the University, have a minimum 3.0 grade point average, have minimum ACT score of 24 (1190 SAT), and must be incoming freshman and U.S. resident.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. 

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Murfreesboro Charity Circle Memorial Scholarship (L/P) (93592)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University. Applicants must be a resident of Rutherford County, TN majoring in a Public Service (i.e Nursing, Pre-Med, Education, Criminal Justice, Human Science, Social Work). Applicants must also have a 3.00 cumulative GPA, and demonstrate leadership and community service.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Murfreesboro Credit Bureau Scholarship

Applicants must be an new incoming Freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester. Applicants must reside in Rutherford, County, TN, be majoring in major housed in MTSU's College of Business & must be of good moral character.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Murfreesboro Half Mile Marathon Scholarship

Applicants must be a full-time student who is a graduate of a Rutherford County high school who has earned at least 60 hours with a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need & community service.

The recipients will be selected by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Murfreesboro Lioness Club Annual Scholarship (91144)

Applicants must be visually impaired (based upon "receiving services from MTSU's Disabled Student Services") and must have a minimum grade point average of 2.8 as a college student or incoming freshman.

Murfreesboro Medical Clinic/Rachel Jerving Scholarship (93678)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be a resident of Rutherford County.
-Must be a junior or senior.
-Must be majoring in Nursing.
-Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent).
-Must be enrolled as a full-time student.
-A strong preference will be given to students who are employed or intend to work at Murfreesboro Medical Clinic.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing Scholarship Application. 

Murfreesboro Muslim Youth Scholarship 91428

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who lives in Rutherford County, TN, and graduated from a Rutherford County, TN high school. Applicants must be enrolled full-time & have demonstrated community service.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Murfreesboro Noon Rotary Club Endowed Scholarship

Applicants must be from 1 of the counties in the Grand Middle Division of Tennessee. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need, and cannot be a child or a member of the Murfreesboro Rotary Club. Applicants must also be in good standing with the University. Preference shall be given to applicants who were members of the Rotary Club's Interact Program while in high school, or are current members of the MTSU Rotaract Club.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

N. C. Beasley Scholarship (93037)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a graduate of a Tennessee high school or transfer from a junior/community college in Tennessee. -Must have declared a major in English with a minor in Secondary Education.
-Must have been officially admitted into the teacher education program with the intent of obtaining an initial teaching license and teaching at the Pre K-12 grade levels.
-Must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.

Recipients will be chosen by the English Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Nancy Ellen Rupprecht Endowed Scholarship (93350)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

The scholarships may only be granted to outstanding students in European Women's History based either upon their course work or research in modern European Women's History.
-The recipients may be either undergraduate or graduate students in the MTSU History Department.
-Must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.2 or greater on a 4.0 scale.

The recipients shall be selected by the History Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Application. 

Nancy Hill Robertson HPERS Scholarship (93145A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a full-time student at MTSU.
-majoring in Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Safety.
-have a minimum of 60 hours at the time the scholarship is received.
-GPA of 2.7.
-Recipient shall be chosen based upon academic performance, non-academic activities, leadership and financial need.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Nashville Entertainment Association Scholarship (93228)

Scholarship is for Recording Industry majors.

National Music Publishers' Association S.O.N.G.S. Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund (93971)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application, declared a MAJOR in the Recording Industry Department with a Commercial Songwriting Concentration, earned at least 60 hours of academic credit, and be enrolled full-time. Preference will be given to students with financial need. Students may not be related to NMPA S.O.N.G.S. employees or officers. Each candidate must write a personal essay no longer than 500 words to explain the following: The candidate's musical studies to date; how they have affected his or her development as a songwriter and musician; musical goals for the next 1-2 years and over his or her lifetime; the musician, songwriter or artist who has been the most influential in the candidate's artistic development and why; and musical weaknesses in detail and how he or she hopes to strengthen these weaknesses. Each candidate must submit audio of one original song. This must be at least 45 seconds in length with original lyric and melodic concepts presented in order to present songwriting and instrumental proficiency.

Nellie Tribble Nursing Scholarship (93668A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

For scholarships and financial assistance to deserving students in the Department of Nursing.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Nin Lee Scholarship (93614)

To be considered for the Nin Lee Scholarship:

-Applicants must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program in Elementary Education or Educational Leadership.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Nina Sue Pearson Memorial Scholarship (93394)

The scholarship shall be administered in accordance with the following guidelines:

1. The initial scholarship shall increase as principal increases until a full tuition scholarship can be awarded. At that point a new scholarship shall be awarded until it reaches full tuition level. This process shall continue perpetually.
2. Preference will be given to a Jr. Chemistry major who is enrolled in ACS physical chemistry.
3. Each scholarship is for one academic year. Prior recipients are not precluded from renewal.
4. The receipt of these scholarship funds shall not be used to decrease funds received from another source available to the student.

The recipients shall be selected by the Chemistry Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Noel Hays Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93937)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be an incoming freshman.
-Must be majoring in a Jennings A. Jones College of Business program.
-Must be enrolled as a full-time student.
-The student should have a financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.

-Each scholarship is for eight (8) semesters, provided the recipient meets the requirements for continuation as established by this agreement. 

The recipient will be chosen by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application 
& the College of Business Scholarship Application. 

Norman Parks Scholarship (93022)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a full-time student.
-Must agree to pursue pre-law curriculum.
-Must be a graduate of TN high school year award is given.
-The student must also maintain a 2.5 GPA or better.
-Given to a different student each year. Presented to a student for one year only.
-The amount will be awarded in two equal sums, one in the fall and one in the spring.

Recipients will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Olivia Woods Scholarship (91567)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Recipients must be a full-time student admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
-First preference will be applicants from underrepresented student populations.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 


Osher Reentry Scholarship Endowment (93896)

Recipients shall be students who:

• are at the undergraduate level and pursuing their first baccalaureate degree.
• have experienced a cumulative gap in their education of five or more years.
• anticipate participation in the workforce for a significant time after graduation.
• demonstrate financial need.
• show academic promise and a commitment to obtaining their degree.
• are enrolled either full- or part-time.

The recipients shall be selected by the JAC Women's Center Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to be complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.


P.R.S.S.A. Merit Scholarship (93190)

Priority given to sophomore, junior or senior members of the Public Relations Student Society of America. Participation and leadership in the PRSSA chapter will be considered, along with GPA (2.5 or above is desirable; 2.25 or above is required for consideration).

Padgett Kelly Research Scholarship (93768)

Recipient shall be a graduate student or undergraduate student associated with summer studies or field research in ecology or conservation Biology.

-The award is to be used for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and/or travel support to and from research sites.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Parente Merit Scholarship (93127)

Scholarships awarded to deserving juniors and seniors whose primary interest is in advertising. Minimum 3.0 GPA in major and overall. In awarding, some weight will be given to active involvement in professional activities (Advertising).

Patrick J. Doyle Freshman Scholarship (93088)

Recipient shall be an incoming freshman Biology major.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application.

Patrick Michael Couch Aerospace Maintenance Scholarship (93757)

Must be full-time student (12 hours) and accepted or enrolled in MTSU's Aerospace maintenance program.
Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA and preferably have reached junior status.
Preference will be given to students with disabilities and to students with financial need.

Applicants must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application.

Patrick Michael Couch Flight Program Endowed Scholarship

-Recipients must be a full-time student majoring in Aerospace and enrolled in the Flight Program.
-Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
-Preferably have reached junior status.
-Preference will be given to students with disabilities and to students with financial need.
-Applicants must write a paragraph about why they enrolled in the Aerospace program.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 


Patsy N Forrest Scholarship for Exceptional Academic Achievement (91256)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
-Be enrolled in the MTSU baccalaureate program in Nursing.
-Preference will be given to members of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing-Xi Alpha Chapter.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the School of Nursing Scholarship Application. 

Patsy Spencer Richardson Endowed Scholarship (93930)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship:
  • Student majoring in elementary education in the College of Education.
  • Resident of the state of Tennessee with a minimum grade point average of 2.8,
  • Junior or senior,
  • Full-time student, defined as 12 hours or more.
Recipient will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Pentecost Family Scholarship (91499)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Recipient must be a full-time student admitted to Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Financial need is required.
-Preference should be afforded to students from Dickson County.

Recipient will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students will complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Peter I. Karl Memorial Scholarship (93595)

Recipient must be an undergraduate student majoring in Biology.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Scholarship

Applicants must be a current member of Phi Theta Kappa, a community college honors organization. Applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from a PTK Advisor. Preference shall be given to applicants who are selected for the All-Tennessee Academic Team. Recipients are not eligible to receive both a Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship and a Honors Transfer Scholarship, or a Transfer Promise Scholarship. Student will be awarded the higher dollar scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the Admissions Office.

To apply for scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application & the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.


Phil Utley Memorial - Music City Mustang Club Endowed Scholarship (93868)

Applicants must be current, full-time MTSU student (Sophomore, Junior, or Senior) and have at least a 3.00 cumulative MTSU GPA, and are a resident of one of the following counties in Tennessee: Bedford, Cannon, Cheatham, Coffee, Davidson, Dickson, Hickman, Marshall, Maury, Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Trousdale, Williamson or Wilson. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, Transfer Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, Honors Buchanan Scholarship or Honors Transfer Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete General Scholarship Application. 

Philip Mathis Scholarship (93199)

Recipient must be a Biology major.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Phillip and Janet Lawson Scholarship (93387)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:
  • Be admitted to and in good standing with the Social Work Department.
  • Preference shall be given to students with demonstrated financial need, as determined by the university.
  • Preference shall be given to prior recipients in subsequent years as long as the student remains in good standing.
The recipients shall be selected by the Social Work Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application & the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application.


Philosophy & Religious Studies Scholars (91465)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must meet minimum requirements of 3.5 GPA in their major (Philosophy or Religious Studies).
-Must have completed 60 hours towards graduation.
-Must have completed at least 12 hours of Philosophy and/or Religious Studies.

Recipients will be chosen by the Philosophy & Religious Studies Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Pinckney Keel Memorial Scholarship (93104)

Awarded annually to a student majoring in Journalism. Must have completed sophomore year. Must maintain a 3.0 overall GPA. Preference given to student a student from the Tennessee Mid-State area pursuing an interest in the field of print media.

Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Fund (91457)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be an undergraduate
-Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5
-Must be majoring in International Science or Political Science

Recipient will be chosen by the Political & Global Affairs Scholarship Committee

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

President's Ball Scholarship

Applicants must be an Incoming freshmen, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and be in good standing with the University. Applicants must have a 2.80 GPA, must demonstrate academic ability, and community service. Preference given to students nearing graduation (over 60 earned hours)

The recipients will be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Priddy Family Scholarship

Applicants must be a current full-time student attending MTSU during the Fall & Spring semesters. Applicants need to have at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA based on at least 60 earned hours. Applicants also need to demonstrate financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Professor John Sanborn Scholarship for Social Work Students (91429)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients must be currently enrolled at MTSU.
-Must be pursuing a BSW degree.
-Financial need in the broadest sense as primary consideration.
-Must have minimum 2.5 GPA.

The recipients shall be selected by the Social Work Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

R. Eugene and Anne Smith Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 25 ACT (1200 SAT) and at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

R. Fred and Cathryn P. Nance Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.50 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to students from Rutherford County, TN.  Students who receive a Guaranteed Freshman Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

R.B.J. Campbelle, Jr., Scholarship/Award (93180A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient will be chosen at the discretion of the Criminal Justice faculty at MTSU. 
-Applicant must be a rising junior/senior.

To apply for this scholarship, the student must complete the General Scholarship Application & the Criminal Justice Application.

Ralph Sharp Biology Scholarship (93177)

The recipient shall be a Biology major of sophomore standing.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Randall C. Wood USAF (Ret) Scholarship (92813)

Recipients must be:
-a Junior
-an Aerospace major with a Professional Pilot concentration
-have a B average or higher
-be participating in Air Force ROTC at TSU.

Applicants must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application.

Recording Academy Scholarship (92182)

Recipient will have completed enough hours to be classified as a Senior upon completion of current Spring semester. Must have at least two semesters remaining before graduation. Recipient shall be a student who by virtue of academic achievements, industry work experience or internships, and overall enthusiasm for the recording industry shows promise of high degree of success.

Recording Industry MFA Scholarship Fund at MTSU (91317)

Recipients must be Recording Industry Master of Fine Arts majors at MTSU.

Recording Industry Scholarship Fund at MTSU (91220)

Recipients must be Recording Industry majors at MTSU.

Red Bull Aerospace Scholarship (91629)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:
1. Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
2. Have a declared major in the Department of Aerospace.

The recipients shall be selected by the Aerospace Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Aerospace Application. Scholarship (91410)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Must be enrolled in the Media Arts department in the College of Media and Entertainment.
-Must have financial need (student must file FAFSA).
-Preference will be given to students who have earned 60 hours with an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of application.
It is the Donor's wish that one $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student in the Photography program, and one $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student in the Video and Film Production program.

The recipients shall be selected by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Application.

Richard and Joan Myall Scholarship for Nursing Students (91374)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients must be currently enrolled in the school of nursing.
-Must have a minimum 3.2 GPA.
-Must have financial need in the broadest sense.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Richard Paul Garvin Scholarship (L/P)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Guaranteed Freshman Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 


Rita Davenport Human Sciences Scholarship (93105A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a Sophomore or Junior.
-Must be a Human Sciences major.
-Must have at least 30 hours earned or two remaining semesters.
-Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
-Recipient must have demonstrated leadership in Human Sciences, campus life and community involvement.
-The recipient must have established meaningful professional goals and have expressed financial need.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Roberson-Beauregard Science Scholarship (91363)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
-Be enrolled as a Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental, or Chemistry major.
-All applicants must submit personal essay with description of need included in application.
-Priority given to a candidate who has family responsibilities outside of their academic obligations.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Application.

Robert & Dorothy Sillaman Endowed Scholarship for Ground & Flight Training Education

-Applicants must be:
-Currently enrolled in the Department of Aerospace, with a major in an area related to ground and/or flight training.
-Be in academic good standing with the University. 
-Students must meet eligibility requirements to receive financial aid, as defined by the University and the Tennessee Board of Regents.
-Students must have and maintain a 2.0 GPA in their coursework.

-Preference shall go to students from Battle Ground Academy and Franklin High School, both in Franklin, Tennessee. Absent qualified applicants from Battle Ground Academy and/or Franklin High School (or their successor schools), the award may be made to a student from Williamson, County, Tennessee.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Robert (Bob) & Star Eaker Scholarship in Education (93428)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A. Student(s) must meet all academic requirements of the
University to pursue teaching licensure through the College of
B. Preference will be afforded to an upperclassman, currently
defined by the University as 60+ hours earned.
C. Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
D. If a recipient fails to maintain the required level of academic
performance or changes to a major/minor outside those
specified, they shall forfeit any unpaid balance of their award
Candidates will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship. 

Robert Boyd Chemistry Scholarship (93002)

-Recipient must be a Chemistry major.
-Must be a sophomore or above class standing.
-Demonstrated financial need.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Robert Brent Cook Memorial Scholarship (93065)

-Awarded to Pre-Med majors with preference given to students from Williamson County.
-Must be Junior or Senior with proven academic performance and demonstrated financial need.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Robert Prytula Scholarship (93078)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a graduate student in Psychology. 
-Must provide a curriculum VITA, including personal data, educational experiences and achievements, research activities, previous awards/honors, publications or presentations, and so on. Be sure to include all evidence of academic, public service, and/or research excellence.
-Must provide TWO LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION from current Psychology Department faculty members.  Forms to accompany these letters are attached. You should give one of these forms to each of the people who will be writing a letter in support of you. Have the faculty member to seal the form and the letter in an envelope and return to you so that you may turn in as part of the application.

The recipients shall be selected by the Social Professional Activities Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Psychology Application. 

Roberta Payne Walker Scholarship (93549)

To be eligible for consideration: 

-Applicants must be a Junior or Senior majoring in College of Education.
-Must have a cumulative 3.20 GPA.
-Preference shall be given to applicants who are from Rutherford or Robertson County.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Rodney Scott Butts Scholarship (91521)

To be eligible for consideration: 

-Must be a full-time student in the College of Education.
-Must have been admitted to Teacher Education.
-Must be in his or her residency year(s).

Recipient will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Rosalyn Ward Scholarship (93296)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship:

• Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
• First preference will be for students preparing to teach math.
• Preference also will be afforded to students from Wilson County, Tennessee.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Roscoe & Lucy Strickland International Study Award (93615)

To be eligible for this award: 

-Applicants must be a currently enrolled MTSU undergraduate or graduate History major.
-Must have the faculty member overseeing the international study program certify that they are eligible for this international program. 
-Must submit a 250-word statement about how this award will enhance your study as a History major and how the money will be used.

-Letters of recommendation from faculty will be accepted but are not required.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Scholarship Application. 

Roscoe & Lucy Strickland Outstanding Historical Project Awards (93615)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicant must be a currently enrolled or recently graduated MTSU History major or minor.
-Must have created an outstanding historical project (for example, a paper, digital history project, public history project, or pedagogical project.)

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Application. 

Ross and Eva Mae Spielman Scholarship (93314)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship:

-Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
-First preference will be afforded to a student having graduated from a Tennessee high school.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Roy and Pearl Verble Scholarship (L/P)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students needs to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Ruth and Will Bowdoin Endowed Scholarship in Early Childhood Education (93214)

The scholarship is designed for an undergraduate (or graduate) student majoring in Early Childhood Education who plans to teach in programs for young children (i.e., prekindergarten through primary grades and/or parent education; or if such applicants do not meet the criteria, kindergarten through grade 4.
The criteria for selection shall include, but not be limited to, the following requirements:

1. Possess a definite financial need and submit adequate financial verification as requested by the review committee.
2. Have and maintain a GPA of 2.5 (and/or meet any change in admission for teacher education).
3. Reflect personal and professional competencies, which are believed to lead to quality teaching.
4. Demonstrate a strong commitment to early childhood education for the parents.
Preference will be given to minority students who are residents of Tennessee or Alabama should such students meet the above criteria.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.
To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Ruth Cunningham Scholarship

Applicants must be admitted to MTSU as a new Incoming Freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester. Applicants must also live in Bedford County, TN.

Recipients shall be selected the MTSU Admissions Scholarship Committee.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Rutherford County Alumni Endowed Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman starting in the Summer or Fall semester who graduated from a high school in Rutherford County, Tennessee, and reside within Rutherford County, Tennessee. Applicants must also have a minimum 2.50 high school GPA and must demonstrate financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. 

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Rutherford County Health and Facilities Board Nursing Endowment in Memory of Mariluise Baker (93791)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants shall be a Rutherford County resident.
-Must be enrolled as a full-time student (12 hours or more) in the School of Nursing.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Rutherford County Retired Teachers Scholarship (93172)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:
  • Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
  • Must have at least 60 credit hours and have achieved junior status as defined by the university.
  • Have an overall minimum inclusive grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
  • Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.


Applicants must be pursuing a degree in Aerospace/Aviation and interested in aviation management.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Samuel H. Howard MBA Fund Scholarship (93635)

Recipient shall be an African American student pursuing the MBA degree.

Sarabia-Panol Family Fund (93904)

Recipients must meet the following criteria:

(1) Be a full-time student majoring in a department of the College of Media and Entertainment.
(2) Have earned at least 15 hours at the time of the award.
(3) Have a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Media and Entertainment Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Sarah Barlow Scholarship Fund (93566)

Recipient must be a Biology graduate teaching assistant with at least one semester of experience.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 


Sarah Pinkleton Elrod Scholarship (L/P)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester, be a resident of Maury County, TN, and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must also have at least a 2.80 high school GPA, and demonstrate leadership and community service.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Sarah Thompson Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93810)

Applicants shall be a full time student at MTSU, majoring in recording industry, a pre-candidacy student, and in financial need.

Savannah Rae Schmidt Scholarship (93954)

Candidates must meet the following criteria: Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application; pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Journalism with a concentration in Public Relations/Recording Industry in the College of Media and Entertainment; and must have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit. Each candidate must write an essay between 500 to 800 words to explain the candidate's intended career path in public relations in the music business, referencing any professional or personal accomplishments that would be of interest to the Schmidt family and the scholarship selection committee. Preferred candidates will demonstrate a strong desire to build a career in public relations in the music business. Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.

School of Journalism Diversity Annual Scholarship (91223)

The recipient shall be a major in the School of Journalism. The recipient shall have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or greater in journalism classes and an overall grade point average of 3.0 or greater. The recipient shall be active in an organization or initiative that provides charitable or academic service to the MTSU campus population or the community in which the recipient lives. Preference shall be given to a minority student, or student from an under represented group.

School of Nursing General Scholarship Fund (91394)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients must be currently enrolled in School of Nursing.
-Must be in good academic standing.
-Must have financial need in the broadest sense.

Recipient will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Scott Borchetta Endowment Scholarship--Freshman (93377)

Applicants must:

1) be an incoming Freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester intending to major in journalism, media arts or recording industry with
2) at least a 3.0 high school GPA. 
3) Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. 

The recipients shall be selected by the Scholarship Committee in the CME dean’s office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application
and the College of Media and Entertainment Application. 

Scott Borchetta Endowment Scholarship--Transfer (93377)

Applicants of this scholarship must: 

1) be a new, full-time transfer student for the coming Summer or Fall semester
2) have a minimum GPA of 3.0
3) have a declared major in the College of Media and Entertainment
4) and have had a minimum of 2 semesters of full-time enrollment at an institution of higher education (excluding dual enrollment), with a minimum of 24 earned hours (excluding dual enrollment)
5) submit a 250-word essay on why they are majoring in media and entertainment.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Media and Entertainment Scholarship Committee in the Dean’s office.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Media and Entertainment Application. 

Scotty M. Tucker Memorial Scholarship (93639)

-Recipient will be a student majoring in Mathematics with an emphasis in actuarial science.
-And a minor in Insurance whose work and studies exemplify dedication, scholarship, and service.

To apply, the student must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Secondary Education Scholarship (91536)

To be eligible for consideration: 

-Recipients must have Secondary Education minor.
-Must have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be considered.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Seivers Family Endowed Scholarship (93268)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

1. Be a full-time student at MTSU who has been admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
2. Have the overall grade point average required for admission to the Teacher Education Program at the time the scholarship is awarded.
3. Financial aid, in the broadest sense, may be considered.
4. First preference will be accorded first generation college students majoring in Special Education.
5. Second preference will be accorded first generation college students majoring in Early Childhood Education.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

SGT Michael Wesley Flatt, Sr. Annual Scholarship (91516)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Be enrolled full-time, be in good standing with the University.
-Be pursuing a degree in Exercise Science.
-Be a student veteran.
-Have an overall grade point average of at least 2.5 out of 4.0.
-Have financial need, as determined by the university.


To apply, students must complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Shanda Carney Fanning Memorial Aviation Scholarship

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.25 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
• Have declared a MAJOR OR MINOR in Aerospace, with priority given to students in the Pro-Pilot program OR a student seeking flight training (verification required).

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Si Siman Scholarship (93746)

Student must be majoring in Recording Industry.

Silas Rock Botner Memorial Scholarship (92991)

Recipient shall be a Middle Tennessee State University student majoring in Recording Industry with a concentration in Songwriting and must have met candidacy requirements. As part of the application process, candidates will provide biographical information, an essay, and original song to be judged by Def Kat Music, LLC.

Springfield House Family Scholarship (91638)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

• First preference given to a full-time undergraduate student in the Department of History with an interest in History as a Public Service. Second preference given to a student pursuing an M.A. in Public History or PhD in Public History.
• First preference given to students classified as underrepresented population.
• Financial need, as defined by the University, must be considered.

The recipients shall be selected by the History Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Application.


Stanley Hall Memorial P. E. Scholarship (93203A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a Physical Education major.
-Have a 2.0 GPA or better.
-Be a U.S. citizen.
-Be of good moral character.
-Preference given to financial need.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Stephen M. Wright Research Scholarship (93771)

Recipient shall be a graduate student or undergraduate student associated with research in microbiology or biotechnology.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Biology Application. 

Steve Lannom Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester in good standing with the University. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to residents of Rutherford County, TN or Wilson County, TN. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Steve Swift Scholarship (93408)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

•    Be eligible and admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
•    First preference will be afforded to students having graduated from a high school in the Metro Nashville Public School (MNPS) district.
•    In the event there is not a qualified applicant from MNPS, then this scholarship may be awarded to students having graduated from any public or private high school in the Nashville Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application.


Steve Thurman Scholarship (91593)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Have declared a MAJOR in the Recording Industry Department.
• Must have at least 60 hours of academic credit at time of the award.
• Financial need, in its broadest sense, may be considered as part of the selection.

The recipients shall be selected by the Recording Industry Music Business Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Stifanina Tamburo Hayden Memorial Quasi-Endowment for Nursing (93818A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipients shall be students in the School of Nursing.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. 

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Stones River Auto Club Scholarship (93663)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Preference will be given to residents of Rutherford County, TN. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Street Symphony Scholarship (91350)

Recipient must meet the following requirements: Must be eligible to receive financial aid, must have an overall minimum 3.0 GPA, must be a full-time Recording Industry major admitted to candidacy, and must be active in the local and/or university music industry community (such as involvement with student organizations, volunteer opportunities within the industry, or other extracurricular music business/production activities).

Sue Ann Marlin Johnson Scholarship (93381)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• First preference will be afforded to an individual who is a single parent or the child of a single parent.
• Preference will also be afforded to those majoring in Elementary Education.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education application. 


Sue Canter Collins Scholarship (93423)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Must be a full-time student majoring in Elementary Education.
-Must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75.
-Financial need, as determined by the university, should be considered.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application. 


Sunil and Anjali Sarvaria Endowed Scholarship (93388)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 3.25 high school GPA. Preference given to applicants who have financial need and are a 1st generation college student. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete General Scholarship Application

SunTrust Scholarship (L/P)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Susan Boardman Ridley Scholarship

Applicants must have earned at least 30 hours, must have at least a 3.00 GPA & must demonstrate financial need. Applicants must also be an employee of Adams Place in good standing who works in the kitchen or dining room. However, should no such employee apply or be eligible based on the criteria herein, then the Office of Financial Aid shall award the scholarship to other eligible students who meet the criteria.

The recipient shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

Sylvia Snow Crowder Scholarship (93647)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Applicants must be majoring in Elementary Education.
-Applicants must demonstrate financial need, good moral character, and have proven academic success.
-Preference shall be given to students from Sumner County.
-Secondly, preference shall be given to students from Rutherford County.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Tammy Jones Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93814)

Applicants shall be a senior or graduate student majoring in math or vocal music at MTSU.

Tate Family Endowed Scholarship (93962)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Be enrolled in the pre-professional program.
-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-Preference given to pre-pharmacy students.
-Preference to a student with community service and/or campus involvement.
-Preference to a student from a rural community.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 


Taylor Nicole Stone Endowed Scholarship

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Recipients should be in their Junior year
• Financial need in the broadest sense may be considered.
• Be enrolled in the Professional Pilot concentration.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 


T-Club - Joe Nunley Scholarship (93569)

Awarded to the child of a former MTSU Blue Raider Athlete

Need to complete BOTH General Scholarship Application and Supplemental Question Scholarship Application to apply for scholarship

Teammate Scholarship (91619)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Must be a full-time student.
-Must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75.
-Financial need, as determined by the university, should be considered.
-First preference will be applicants from underrepresented student populations.
-Preference will also be afforded to applicants who have graduated from a Rutherford, Davidson, or Maury County, TN high school.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Application. 

Technical Excellence & Creativity Scholarship (93516)

Junior or Senior majoring in Recording Industry with Production and Technology emphasis.

Tennessee Association of Broadcasters Scholarship (92795)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Junior or senior standing.
-Must meet published candidacy requirements for Media Arts.
-Stated career interest in a broadcasting or broadcast related career.
-Current active involvement in a radio or television related area.

The recipients shall be selected by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Application.

Tennessee Business Aviation Association Scholarship

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have a declared major in Aerospace. 
-Be a sophomore or above.
-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
-Undergraduate or Graduate Fulltime students will be considered.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Textbook Brokers Endowed Scholarship in Entrepreneurship (93977)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have declared a major or minor in the Entrepreneurship program in the Jones College of Business.

-Preferred candidates will have earned at least 60 hours of academic credit, although candidates with fewer than 60 hours of credit may be considered, having demonstrated a strong affinity for entrepreneurship.

Recipients will be chosen by the Entrepreneurship Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

The LGBT Heroes Endowed Scholarship Fund (93901)

Scholarship Recipient Criteria: 1. Be an officer of the MTSU Lambda Association for a minimum period of one academic semester OR member of the MTSU Lambda Association with a significant leadership role or significant organizational involvement for a minimum period of one academic semester. 2. Be in good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0 3. Be in good social standing as defined by the Office of Student Affairs 4. Have demonstrated financial need for academic or personal support 5. Academic achievement, personal merit, leadership, involvement in the LGBT+ community, professional experiences, marginalization, and/or personal and future goals may also be taken into consideration if any of the above criteria are not met.

The Melvin Ray "Mel" Adams, Sr. Endowed Scholarship (93405)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be admitted to and/or enrolled in the Jennings A. Jones College of Business.
• Maintain an overall minimum grade point average equivalent to the required standard for admission to Jones College.
• Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be utilized in the selection process.
• Other factors being equal, preference shall go to students who are enrolled full-time, as defined by the University.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to be complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Business Application. 

The Pam Wright Future Leaders Endowed Fund (93915)

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

-Currently enrolled in MTSU and pursuing a degree in the College of Behavioral and Health Sciences.
-Have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
-Have a minimum of 45 hours completed.
-Have a personal strategic plan on file with the Student Success Officer.
-Have active involvement in a campus or community service project.
-Have the application submitted by the university scholarship application deadline.
-Have graduated from a high school in one of the 41 counties in Middle Tennessee.
-Recipients must also complete the annual Wright Scholars Development Workshops.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the CBHS Scholarship Application. 

Thelma Jennings History Scholarship (93108)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a graduate student majoring in history.
-Must meet certain GPA and course requirements.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Thelma Sloan Scholarship (92675)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Recipient must be a College of Education major.

Recipient will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application.


Thomas Forrest Abstract Algebra Award (93176)

-Recipient must be a junior or senior Mathematics major.
-Have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and have a 3.5 GPA in mathematics courses.
-Recipient must have also completed mathematics 4510 and 4530 if offered.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Mathematical Sciences Application. 

Tiara Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund (92926)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship:

-Students shall be majoring in Aerospace.
-Recipients may re-apply each year and renew the award if the student meets all departmental and University requirements. 
-The award is for one year and the recipient shall be determined by the Chair of the Aerospace Department with the advice and counsel of the department.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Tiffany and Luther Wright Jr. Annual Scholarship (92960)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Must be a junior or senior majoring in Media & Entertainment at MTSU.
-Preference is to be given to a minority student in financial need with a minimum GPA requirement of 2.5.
-If a student with financial need cannot be identified, the financial need criterion may be waived.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Media and Entertainment Scholarship Committee in the Dean’s office.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Tom & Martha Boyd Endowed Scholarship in Ethical Leadership (93417)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Be admitted to and/or enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in the Jennings A. Jones College of Business.
• Have a 3.0 overall minimum grade point average in core Business Classes.
• Have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours.
• Have completed or are enrolled in relevant courses in Business Law and/or Executive Leadership, as determined by the College.
• Financial need, in the broadest sense, may be utilized in the selection process.
• Preference shall go to students with demonstrated leadership skills, as evidenced by involvement with on or off-campus activities, including, but not limited to, clubs, charitable, service, and/or faith-based organizations.

Recipients selected by College of Business Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application & the College of Business Scholarship Application. 

Tom Berg Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93881)

To be eligible for consideration:

-Recipient shall be a junior or senior Media Arts major.
-Have attained a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
-The recipient should be active or participate in at least one departmental activity or organization.
-Preference shall be shown to candidates that have studied abroad or have definite intentions of studying abroad.

The recipients shall be selected by the Media Arts Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Media Arts Application.

Tommie Reynolds HPERS Scholarship (93100A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient shall be a Health/Human Performance major.
-Recipient must not drink or smoke.

To apply, please complete the General Scholarship Application and the Health/Human Performance Scholarship Application. 

Tommie Reynolds Mathematics Scholarship (93016)

Recipient must be a mathematics major.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Tracy Strickland Memorial Scholarship (L/P)

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester with at least a 2.80 high school GPA. Applicants must also demonstrate leadership and community service. Students who receive a Freshman Guaranteed Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, or Honors Buchanan Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Trevor Hornsby Memorial Scholarship (93414)

Applicants must be have experienced loss of parent AND must have at least 60 credit hours completed.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application AND the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 

True Blue A1C Ashton M. Thomas Forever 24 Endowed Scholarship Fund (93926)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

1. Currently enrolled in MTSU and pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice (CJA).
2. Be in good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
3. Currently serving or have already served in any U.S. Armed Services Branch, the National Guard or Reserves.
4. Demonstrated leadership, current service to the community (verified by organization.)
5. Financial need in the broadest sense may be considered.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete BOTH the General Scholarship Application and the Criminal Justice Application. 

TXMD Experiential Learning Award (93346)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Be pursuing a degree in Textiles, Merchandising and Design, having completed 60 or more hours toward degree completion.
• Must submit a biographical statement between 300 - 350 words that provides specific information about their career goals and a description of the professional development opportunity they would like to pursue with this award (seminar, conference, study abroad, internship). Include a breakdown of costs (flight conference costs, housing, etc.).
• Submit relevant materials to support the desired experience and how it would support their career goals (e.g., portfolio, sketches, photographs, video, business plan, etc.)
• 2 references from people familiar with their talent and experience are suggested, but not required.

The recipients shall be selected by the Human Sciences Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Human Sciences Application. 

Tyler A. Schultz Memorial Scholarship in Psychology (91351)

​​​​​​Scholarship Criteria:

1. Preference shall be given to students who graduated from a Tennessee High School.
2. Financial need should be considered, and recipients must be eligible to receive need-based support.
3. Recipients must have an overall minimum GPA of 3.0.
4. Recipients must have a declared major and be in good standing with the Psychology department.
5. Recipients must have attained junior or senior status at the time of the award.

The recipients shall be selected by the Social Professional Activities Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Ventura Air Services Scholarship Fund

-Candidates must meet have declared a MAJOR in Aerospace.
-Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
-Preference given to underrepresented students.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 


Virginia Black Woodfin Memorial Endowed Scholarship (93815)

To be eligible for this scholarship: 

-Candidates shall be a junior or senior.
-Must be enrolled in the School of Nursing.
-Recipients shall have graduated from a Rutherford County, Tennessee high school and must be continually residing in Rutherford County, Tennessee.
-Recipients must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average at the time the award is made and maintain a 3.0 grade point average to retain the scholarship.

Recipients will be chosen by the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Virginia Derryberry Memorial Scholarship (93246)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

Recipient must be an English major committed to teaching.
-Must be a sophomore or junior.
-Must have a GPA of 3.0 or better.
-Must have financial need.

Recipients will be chosen by the English Scholarship Committee.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Virupax and Uma Joshi Scholarship

Applicants must be an undergraduate student who has completed at least 60 hours with a 3.20 GPA. Applicants must be majoring in Business Administration, Political Science or International Relations, AND must demonstrate financial need. 

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

VW Web Design Annual Award (92958)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Must be a Middle Tennessee State University student majoring in journalism, Media Arts, or recording industry who exhibits a strong interest in web design.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Media & Entertainment Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Media & Entertainment Scholarship. 

Wakim Freshman Chemistry Scholarship (93728)

-Recipient must be a full-time chemistry student to be awarded based on scholarship and need with the emphasis on scholarship.
-Awarded for the student's freshman year only.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the Chemistry Application. 

Wallace R. Maples Aerospace Scholarship

Recipient must be a full-time student enrolled in the aerospace program.

To apply, students must complete the General Application & the Aerospace Application. 

Walter Chitwood Annual Scholarship (91184)

-Applicants must have junior or above class standing with proven academics and leadership qualities.
-Possess an overall grade point average of minimum 3.0 out of 4.0.
-Be a pre-dentistry major.
-Be in good standing with the University.
-Be enrolled full time.
-Applicants must write a paragraph about why they enrolled in the Dental Pre-professional program to be reviewed by the scholarship committee.

To apply, student must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Supplemental Question Scholarship Application. 


Warren Graduate Scholarship for Administrators or Teachers (93627)

Applicants must be an individual who plans a career in the public schools of Tennessee. The graduate student must hold a bachelor's degree and have a minimum of 4 years experience in the Tennessee public school system.

Wellness/Fitness Center (92081A)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Recipient must be a senior undergraduate student that plans to major in Wellness/Fitness at the masters' level.
-An undergraduate GPA of 2.8 or above is required.
-The student must be enrolled in Graduate School to receive the scholarship which is to be applied toward Graduate School fees.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the Health/Human Performance Application. 

Welsh Scholars Endowment Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester who graduated from Fayetteville High School in Lincoln, County, TN. Applicants must demonstrate strong grades, leadership qualities, and financial need.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Admissions Office.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Whitney Stegall Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman or incoming transfer for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester that can demonstrate that they have dealt with oppression and/or adversity while struggling to better themselves. Preference will be given to students who are African-American or Native- American.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

Wilbert Bond, Sr. Scholarship (93431)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Must be a full-time student admitted to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
-Must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
-First preference will be applicants from underrepresented student populations.
-Preference will also be afforded to students from Rutherford County.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application.

Wilder Scholarship Endowment (93368)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:
• Applicant can be a full-time or part-time student
• Applicant is enrolled to complete one of the following degrees: BS in Integrated Studies, BS in Professional Studies, BS in Liberal Studies in Applied Leadership or a Masters in Professional Studies.
• Preference is given to a non-traditional student, a student from an underrepresented population, or a student with family responsibilities.
• Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.

The recipients shall be selected by the University College Scholarship Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Will Bowdoin Scholarship in Education (93184)

The scholarship is designed for an undergraduate (or graduate) student enrolled in a program leading to certification in education (K-12) and shall be chosen annually with the right to reapply.
The criteria for selection shall include, but not be limited to, the following requirements:

1. Possess a definite financial need and submit adequate financial verification as requested by the review committee.
2. Have and maintain a grade point average of 2.5 and/or meet any change in admission for teacher education.
3. Reflect personal and professional competencies which are believed to lead to quality teaching.

Any student who meets the above criteria may apply. Preference will be given to minority students that are residents of Alabama or Tennessee.

Recipients will be chosen by the College of Education Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the College of Education Scholarship Application. 

Willard Kerr Memorial Scholarship/Research 93680A

Recipient must be pursuing an advanced degree in Psychology and must be participating in advanced quantitative research.

William and Albert Pallot Scholarship

Applicants must be an incoming freshman, incoming transfer, or current MTSU student for the upcoming Summer or Fall semester and must be in good standing with the University. Applicants must have at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA. Preference given to students nearing graduation (over 60 earned hours)

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application. 

William and Westy Windham History Scholarship (93181)

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

-Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-Must be pursuing the B.A. or B.S. in History with Teacher Licensure.
-Must have completed HIST 3010 or 3011 and at least 12 hours of upper division history.
-Must have completed 90 hours at time of application.

Recipients will be chosen by the History Scholarship Committee.

To apply, students must complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Scholarship Application.

William O Pointer Scholarship

Applicants must be current MTSU student who demonstrates financial need & has at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA. Students who receive a Guaranteed Freshman Scholarship, Guaranteed Transfer Scholarship, National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Scholarship, Freshman DREAM Scholarship, Honors Buchanan Scholarship or Honors Transfer Scholarship are NOT eligible to receive this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office.

To apply for this scholarship, students need to complete the General Scholarship Application

Williamson County Scholarship (92162)

The Williamson County Alumni Association of Middle Tennessee State University awards one senior from a Williamson county high school entering MTSU.

Willie Brown Scholarship (93025)

The recipient shall be a minority student incoming freshman.

Winkler-Slicker Professional Counseling Scholarship (93877)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Applicant must have been admitted into the MTSU Professional Counseling Program, but does not have to have completed any coursework prior to application.
• Applicant must submit undergraduate ( and graduate, if applicable) transcripts demonstrating a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
• Applicant must submit a letter of application and resume indicating experience in counseling or counseling-related activities and experience in leadership roles.
• Applicant must also commit to continuous enrollment in the Professional Counseling Program until graduation from the Program.

Preference shall be given to students not chosen as a Graduate Assistant for the Professional Counseling Program or for the Educational Leadership Department so as to give financial assistance to a greater number of graduate students.

Witherspoon Family Scholarship (93343)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

A. Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
B. Majoring in Special Education.
C. Have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
D. Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.

In the event there is not a qualifying recipient majoring in special education, then the award may be made to a student admitted to Teacher Education who meets the academic and financial requirements.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Wm. Beryl West/Psi Chi Psychology Club Service Scholarship (93836)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-Applicants must be a psychology major
-Must have a demonstrated financial need verifiable through the MTSU Financial Aid Office.
-Must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average.
-The recipient must have demonstrated a history of active service in their church, university, and/or community.
-Unique volunteer service should be additionally considered.

The recipients shall be selected by the Social Professional Activities Committee.
To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Woman's Club of Murfreesboro Legacy Fund (91514)

To be eligible for consideration:

-To be awarded to a student in the College of Education.
-If possible, the student should be studying to provide literacy classes.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.

Women's and Gender Studies Program Endowed Scholarship (93351)

To be eligible for this scholarship:

-The scholarships may only be granted to outstanding students in the Women's and Gender Studies Program whose course work and emphasis are in the Program's Women's Studies track.
-The recipients may be either undergraduate or graduate students in the Women's and Gender Studies Program.
-Must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.2 or greater on a 4.0 scale with higher grades in the course work relevant to the field of the scholarship.
No one in the Gender, Sexuality, or any Track other than the Women's Studies Track of the WGST Program is eligible to apply for this scholarship.

The recipients shall be selected by the History Scholarship Committee. 

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application and the History Application. 

Wordna Bragg Black Endowed Scholarship (93389)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

-The student must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or any successor program.
-Must have an overall minimum 2.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
-Preference will be afforded to students having graduated from high school in Rutherford or Cannon Counties.
-Financial need, as determined by the University, is required.
In the event there is not a qualified applicant from Rutherford or Cannon Counties, then this scholarship may be awarded to any Tennessee resident.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Education Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.


Worldbeater Scholarship (93281)

To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

• Have an overall minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of the application.
• Be an undergraduate majoring in any program in the College of Media and Entertainment.
• Participating in a University approved or sponsored international student experience including, but not limited to, a study abroad program, presenting a paper at a conference, or an internship.

The recipients shall be selected by the College of Media and Entertainment Scholarship Committee.

To apply for this scholarship, student needs to complete the General Scholarship Application.